16. "You guys look so much alike."

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"Jungkook, Can We G-" you turn around to already see jungkook Looking at you.

"What Are you looking At you Creep."

"You're  lucky I even wanna, look at you." jungkook says As he does a ugly eye roll.

"Shut up."

"Okay cmon let's go. I gotta show you one More Place."

"Nigga, I'm Tired I Need Sleep."

I tried calling after him but he was already off, running like a mad man. I tried chasing after him but try putting a cheetah after an elephant.
"You're too fast! I'm-" heav- "too fat too run" he slows, down chuckling.

" Where are we going?"

"To a pond."

"A pond?"

"Yup." Soon enough, we were standing in front of a beautiful area, even though the sun was already down.

"Woah...........what is this place?"

"It's a place that holds very special memories."
He says breathing out and I waited for him to give some type of explanation. "I lost my virginity here."

"Oh..." you say looking, Down in embarrassment.

"Nah I'm kidding. I can't believe you
believed me!" He sounds offended and I gIggle.

"Well you were so straight faced and all."
I giggle, even more as he gives me a playful glare.

"I was running one day when I found this."
He shrugs and I nod.

"It's prett—" Suddenly, I'm off the ground, and swallowed by water.
"JUNGKOOK YOU BITCH!" I scream resurfacing as he laughs at me. My curls, plastered all over my face. I quickly run out of the water, and he gapes, standing still as I tackle him, grabbing his foot and pulling him into the pond.

He didn't resist because I guess his ass wanted to get dragged.

We stayed the entire night together, splashing around, and making fun of our wet appearances.

Finally when we got home, I was laughing like a giddy high school girl as he carried my tired body on his back.

"Oh my gosh that was so fun." I breathe.

"It was" jungkook murmured.

I hop, off of jungkook's back and I take my wet hoodie off.

"Jungkook, Do You Want anything To drink?
Or eat?"

"I'll have a Glass of water." Jungkook, says as he looks at all the photos that I hung, up inside of my living room.

"Is, this your mother Mia?." Jungkook says pointing too a girl with dark brown skin, and a huge Afro sitting on the top of her head.


"You guys look so much alike"

"I know right." You say as you pull Jungkook a glass of water. "Here you go."I say as I hand him the drink.

Jungkook, Takes the glass of water and his fingers brush mines, and I feel chills run down my body.

As Jungkook's drinks the water, he makes full eye contact with me, and I could have sworn i peed on myself.

Jungkook finishes the water, and he hands me back the glass. "Thanks."


"Are you okay." Jungkook asks curious.

Nigga you know what the fuck you doing-

"Yes I'm fine."

Jungkook, phones rings and he takes it stepping out of the kitchen.

He says words in korean, which I don't understand at all.

He better not be talking shit either.

"I should, get going the boys are worried about me. Their wondering where I am."


"Today was fun, I hope we can do this again another time." He says as he smiles. And I could have sworn I felt my cheeks heat up.


"What do you wanna do next time?"

"OOHHH ICE SKATING!" I say laughing, jumping up and down.

"Okay." Jungkook says chuckling, at my sudden outburst.

"S-sorry, ill walk you to the door."

"Stop saying sorry."

"Sorry I-"


"Sorry I didn't mean to say sorry I-"

"You're innocent you know that.?"

"Oh." You say embarrassed.

We make our way to the front door, and we exchange goodbyes.

"I would hug you, but I'm soaking wet and that would be gross."

Jungkook laughs, "it's okay."

"Goodnight kookie"

"Kookie?" He says curious.

"That's, your new nickname"

"Kookie. I like it."


as you can tell a relationship between you and jungkook is starting to form, but this is just the beginning. You guys haven't seen anything yet. Relationships aren't never Easy and soon you'll find out why.

• mia ^ aka Ryan Destiny

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mia ^ aka Ryan Destiny.

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