15. "You look so adorable."

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Mia's POV

"Jungkook when are we gonna get there?"
You ask extremely tired of walking. When you were back home in California you never walked this much.

"Mia chill out, we literally only been walking for 5 minutes straight." jungkook says annoyed at your constant whining.

"Bit- what?" 5 minutes? Bitch it feels for like 4 hours"

"Get on my back."

"What? No"

"Get on my back."

"I'm heavy. I said no"."

"No you aren't heavy just get on."


"Didn't you say you was tired of walking?"

"Well ye-"

"Then get on my fucking back."

"Don't curse at me." you say pouting.

"Just hurry up and stop acting like a child."

"First of all if anybody's the child it's you and I'm not gonna sit here and allow you t-"

Jungkook, was sick and tired of your back talk so he grabbed you and starting carrying you.



He stars laughing at your sudden, outburst.


"You know mia you sound cute when you curse."

You start kicking and manage to break out of jungkook's hold.

"Happy now?"


15 minutes later.

You and jungkook stop at this huge field filled with really cute, korean couples. You can't lie you felt a little out of place, like you weren't supposed to be here.

All of the couples were inside blankets cuddling, eating, talking, and enjoying themselves.

You turn to jungkook to ask him.

"Why are we were?"

"We're gonna watch the shooting stars"

"The what?" You thought you guys were gonna go to the park.

"The shooting stars."

"It happens every month here in Seoul, I usually go with the guys but they were busy and I didn't have anyone to go with."

"Oh" you say confused. You've never done anything like this before. You were really looking forward to the park and the swings, but this lowkey sounds a little better.

"What time is it?"

"11:20 the show starts at 11:30"

"Oh okay."

"Come on let's go find a spot" jungkook grabs your hand, and you flinch a little bit.

"Are you okay?" He says as he gives you a small smile.

"Yeah I'm fine." you say as you give him a small smile back.

Why did his bunny, smile make you automatically blush?

Good thing I have dark skin because I would be a red apple.

You came here too get a fresh start Mia.

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