5. "Milf is it?"

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"Hi Jhope I'm Mia." I say smiling back.

"That's v" he says as he points to the one with silver hair.

"That's jimin" he points to the one with the pink hair.

He smiles and his eyes disappear.

Omg how cute.

"That's RM" he points to the one with brown hair.

"That's Jin" he points to the one with blonde hair.

His shoulders were wide as hell.

"That's suga." he points to the one with blue hair.

"And last but not least that's jungkook" he points to the one with black hair. He's staring at me like he wants to kill me.

Oh my god he's cute.

"Hello." I say waving. They all wave back except for one. The one with the black hair. I think his name was jaycock or something like that idk.

"We're gonna go, thanks for teaching us Mia."
Yerin says to me. Yerin is one of the girls that I was teaching.

"No problem." I say as I give them each a side hug.

I look back over towards the door and I notice that the boys are laughing and hitting eachother.


She's cute, I can admit that.

But she's not my type.

Who does she think she is walking around smiling and laughing like she owns the place?

Lmao i wanna challenge her to a dance battle.
Let's see who wins that, probably ME, I'm way better than her.

I say as I laugh to myself.

"Who are you laughing at? You fucking crackhead." suga says as he slaps the back of my neck.

"Nothing."I mumble under my breathe.

"I wanna dance battle with her." I say loud enough that Jhope could here.

"You what?"Jhope says to me.

"I said I wanna dance battle with her stupid."

"To see who would win."i say smirking.

"I mean you are a good dancer but are you sure you wanna go against her? She seems really good."

I look her way and I notice that's she's hugging the girls. Then She turns our way and I quickly look down.

And I feel my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing?

"I'll ask her." Jhope says as he walks her way.

"Wa-" before I could say anything he was already in front of her.

Mia's pov.

"Hey, My friend wanted me to tell you something, Mia is it?"

"Yeah that's me" I say as a cross my hands over my chest.

"He wanted to know if you wanted to dance battle with him."

"Me?" You say confused as to why he wanted to dance battle with you.

"Yeah you."

"I mean it's whatever." I scoff.

"U-um Okay" Jhope says as his cheeks turn a bright pink.

Oh my god he's cute.

I walk over to where jaycock was and I step in front of him.

"Jaycock is it.?"

"What?" Suga and v laughs as they put their heads down.

"My name is jungkook not jay- you know what I'm not even gonna say that. But that's not my name. It's Jungkook."

V laughs out loud which made jungkook glare at him.

"Milf is it?

"Milf My name is not m- you know what whatever let's cut to the chase."

"You said you wanted to dance battle with me?"


"Well bring it on Jaycock."

"Wait we're having a party?" Jhope said as he pulled a ballon out of his pocket.




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