For jealous men everywhere (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"So you're admitting to purposely flirt with everything that moves?"

She sets down his coffee and pecks him on the lips, "You should know by now that I'm not going to dignify that with a response." She turns her back to him sticking out her tongue in amusement. He was such a funny guy. 

Levi snorts and heads down to go and sit at his usual table to watch (F/n) work. It was something that he would always do. Unfortunately it was working against him this week. He had never before realized how many men (F/n) dealt with every day. In fact a few of them came up to buy a second cup of coffee just to talk with her. It made him want to puke.

"Thank you, come again!" (F/n) says, excitedly.

The man turns around for a moment grinning, "Oh I plan to, don't you worry about that."

Levi grips his coffee cup hard enough to crack the Styrofoam and spill coffee on the table.


That was it, Levi didn't care about the bet anymore. This one guy was just asking for it. Jean Kirstein, business man and soon to be dead man for flirting with his girlfriend. He came into the coffee shop twice a day all week. This guy was by far the worse flirt there was. He even went as far as kissing her on the cheek once, that one he almost put a fork through his hand, almost. 

"Hey babe." Levi leans over and kisses her on the cheek, making sure to look Jean straight in the eyes when they break apart.

(F/n) smiles back, "Hey, your usual I take it?"

"Yeah my usual." He keeps his gaze locked with Jean's hoping the message was getting across.

It wasn't.

Jean only smirks before leaning over the counter close to (F/n), "Hey, my coffee seems cold, can you check it see if it's just the cup or my hand is too warm?"

(F/n) reaches over and takes hold of the cup. She holds it for a few moments before reaching over and taking hold of Jean's hand. Levi feels his blood pressure skyrocket at the action. How dare this idiot make passes at his girlfriend as though he wasn't even here.

He brushes his thumb over the back of her hand and Levi has to actually curl his hands into fists to stop himself from lashing out. If this didn't stop he wouldn't stop. "Hm... nope! I think it's just your hand." (F/n) smiles as she hands the cup back to Jean. 

The guy grins over at Levi yet again and then pecks her on the corner of the lips. Bet be damned now. What Levi did next he did out there for all the jealous men who had flirts for girlfriends. Standing up fully he grips Jean's shoulder and promptly decks him in the face. He goes down and then Levi turns to (F/n), "Fine you win." He starts to head out of the shop, he had to get out of there before he reverted back to his criminal days. 

"Levi hold on!" (F/n) is rushing out of the shop after him. 

He stops and turns around, waiting for what she was probably going to yell at him for.

"I'm sorry, I seriously didn't know he was going to do that." 

"Do you understand now what I'm talking about when I say that guys are all over you? Acting like a flirt is going to get you into trouble one of these days."

She reaches out and takes his hand, "Yeah, I'm sorry." Levi pulls her in for a hug.

"Idiot, just don't let it happen again. Next time I might not be around to help you out if things go downhill."

"Yeah I know and by the way you still have to adhere to our bet."

"Seriously? After that you're still going to make me be your manservant?"

(F/n)'s mouth quirks up in a smirk, "Of course, this is a rare opportunity that I'm not going to allow to slip away."


"Oh manservant!" (F/n) calls gleefully from the couch.

Levi appears, his face drawn into an unamused expression, "Yes?"

"I'm cold get me a blanket," She then turns to look at Hanji, "Anything you'd like to add?"

The woman grins, "Yes, I'd like a cold glass of water; spring, with precisely three ice cubes all the same size."

Levi feels like he wants to choke something, that idiot Jean just had to get handsy and overstep his boundaries. "Fine."

Heading off to go and fulfill their request Hanji turns to look at (F/n), her ever present grin getting even wider, "So when are you going to tell him that you paid Jean to flirt that much with you?"

(F/n) smirks, "Never."

Though she would have to remember to send Jean thank-you flowers and an 'I'm Sorry my jealous boyfriend punched your lights out' card. 


Okay so I'm really no good at writing flirty characters but I tried my best! I hope I didn't disappoint too much! >.<

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