There were a few positive things about Leo being in prison but they were just personal things for instance I had the whole bed to myself. However with every advantage there's a negative and the negative was that every night when I slept the bed was absolutely freezing without Leo in it. Apart from the bed thing, there wasn't anything else positive and it was irritating me how alone and sad I felt without Leo.

The kettle stopped boiling and I lifted it up to pour the water into my mug. Though I wasn't allowed caffeine, because of the baby, I had started to drink de-caff tea and sometimes herbal tea. I didn't see a point in drinking coffee anymore, heck I didn't even miss the luxury taste of it.

I allowed my tea to brew and I continued to lean against the counter, completely and utterly bored. One of my hands was on my stomach. It was nice to actually touch my stomach, knowing that it was fine to do so. When I was pregnant with the other baby, I was too scared to openly caress my stomach. I was scared in case Leo, Angelo or Don would catch me and then question me about what the hell I was doing.

Everyone now knew that I was pregnant, and that was all because of Leo. I didn't want people to know because I wasn't even sure that it was his. My parents knew, Leo's parents knew, heck even Antonio knew. Well they were obviously going to find out soon enough; I just wanted to tell them all at the right time.

I wasn't even sure if the baby was Leo's or not, and the sad thing about the baby in my stomach was that I was either carrying Leo's niece of nephew. Or I was carrying his son or daughter... But which was it? The fruit of his loins or not the fruit of his loins?

A small year escaped my eye, as I started to overthink about the baby. It wasn't fair on me to be this stressed and anxious; it wasn't even fair on the baby.

"Life really does suck," I muttered to myself, picking up my mug and turning away from the counter.

* * *

"Tyler Hoechlin, why do you have to be so damn perfect," I sighed dreamily as I stared at Derek Hale. Derek was perfect but Leo was even more perfect, even though he wasn't an alpha wolf he was still pretty much a gangster boss or mafia leader.

I never did get tired of watching reruns of teen wolf; well it was one of my favourite TV shows as well as glee and the vampire diaries. Derek and Stiles, kept me company sometimes during the day as well as Rachel and Elena. It seemed to be that I had gone slightly demented and stressed out but I couldn't help it, all I was doing was just constantly worrying about Leo.

It was only natural to be worrying about my husband; I had heard and read that some prisoners in prison don't exactly cope well. Leo was a fighter as well as a survivor, he would keep holding on until he couldn't hold on anymore but even if he couldn't hold on he would force himself to never let go. That was one of the many things I loved about Leo as well as his perfect imperfections.

It was funny how Leo and I never seemed to catch a break; it was as if someone didn't want us to get our happy ever after. It was like; everyone was against our marriage, as well as our love. My parents were now against Leo even though they seemed so happy at the wedding. Now, they hated Leo despite him loving me they didn't care about that, they just knew that he was a murderer and that he wasn't good enough for me.

I hated the fact that my parents were interfering in my marriage, it wasn't like they had married Leo. They weren't the ones dealing with the consequences of loving him... I was.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring for the security gate; I froze and stared at the clock. It was only three in the afternoon but that wasn't what I was confused about. Not many people had come to visit me these last two weeks, it was mainly because I wanted to be alone and just drown in my misery.

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