Forty-Six: Apostles

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Unbeknownst to John and Harley, Edvin and Taylor had traced their way back to the loft and inadvertently thrust themselves into the moment that was only meant for two.

Upon sensing a shift in the air, Harley lifted her head to see the two guys standing awkwardly at the top of the stairs, ready to skulk away as if they had never been there in the first place.

Harley sniffed and leaned away from John, feeling embarrassed at being seen so emotional.

"Sorry," Edvin apologized sheepishly, "Margo," he paused as he stepped further into the loft, "She wanted us to tell you that she'll respect your wishes and take the vaccine out of negotiations with the other islands"

John straightened out and turned toward Edvin and Taylor, "Good. I think a part of her already knew it would be a bad move," he said.

"It was an idea formed out of desperation. It's understandable," Taylor offered as he padded over to his cot.

Pulling herself together, Harley wiped away her remaining tears and took a deep, cleansing breath.

"No one should have that much power," Edvin said, siding with John and Harley's beliefs.

Taylor took a seat on his bed and rested his elbows on his knees, looking worn out, "It'll always be about power. Who has it, who wants it and what they're willing to do to get it. It's human nature. You can't wish away millions of years of evolution. Power and control equals survival, whether it be personal control or more, it's all about surviving. The trick is in making sure the wrong people don't get access to power," Taylor paused, "Margo's intentions are noble, whether her tactics be right or wrong. The way I see it, we got lucky with these people. Could you imagine what communities like Haven would do with the vaccine if they could get their hands on it?"

Harley shuddered at the thought of men like Father Douglas and his brothers wielding control over the vaccine. Taylor was right, there was no wishing away the inherent nature of people. They needed to feel in control. For Harley, control meant being in charge of her own fate, her choices and her body. For some, control meant commanding all that they could. An endless hunt for authority over all commodities. And somewhere in the middle, were those who saught leadership for liberty. Autonomy for themselves and the people under their wing. Margo, from all appearances, was one of those people.

Harley's thoughts were interrupted when from the top of the staircase emerged Frank, drawing eveyone elses attention as well.

"Harley," Frank addressed as he stepped deeper into the loft, "Could I steal you away for a short while? I'd like to gather a few more samples"

Harley slapped her hands onto her thighs and stood from the cot, "Sure, why not," she sighed as she turned toward the stairwell. Looking to John, she asked, "Could you watch Rebel until I'm done?"

John nodded, "Of course," then placed his hand on the back of Harley's neck and gently pulled her close so he could kiss her forehead.

With that, Harley padded toward Frank and the pair descended the stairs, moving onward to the lab.

John took the liberty of rooting through Harley's backpack to find the little red ball she had packed for her pup, then scooped up Rebel into his arms and together they made their way outside to play.

Edvin and Taylor took the free time to relax and get some rest. Both felt like they still hadn't truly slept since they left Wudinna.

But as Taylor drifted off to sleep easily, Edvin struggled, his mind stuck on reliving the events of the past few days.

He thought about Foss, Perez and Robby, wishing they were there with him relaxing in some of the empty cots that filled the loft. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat while he remembered Robby and Robby's unfortunate end. All three of their unfortunate ends.

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