Question, how did Taeyong-hyung turned out to be a half vampire? Here's the answer to that, our family is a family of vampires but my dad's brother who turned out to be Taeyong-hyung's father married a human, fell in love with a human. They're weren't the first case though there are already a lot of vampires that has mated to humans but only few got the miracle to have a child.

The first ever half vampire caused chaos in our raise but that was solved when it was proved that half vampires can cause no harm as long as their human mates stays silent or be one of us. Well, they need to be one of us after giving birth to a vampire because it will cost them their lives, vampires kids doesn't grow normally we have different growth speed compared to humans. So all in all Taeyong-hyung is the only half vampire in their household considering his mom is already one.

"Taeyong-hyung!" I may or may not have yelled when he picked up the phone on the third ring.

"Yah Lee Jeno tone it down I just woke up because you called." He sound annoyed and I can clearly hear his voice wanting to curse but he chose not to just because he is talking to me and that made me chuckle.

"You can curse hyung you know? I'm not a kid." I said causing him to chuckle.

"I don't want to, it's still early. So what's up?" He asked sounding much more awake than earlier.

"Well can you or can we fetch Jaehyun-hyung and Jaemin today as well?" I asked.

"What? Something wrong about your mate?" Yes, he and Chenle knows that I've found my mate. I told him and Chenle just knew it. He can Chenle can see the fated mates for us but he'll not say a word to you, that's one of his ability. He can also foresee future events and warn us if danger is on its way.

"Yeah he was crying when I entered his dream. He is in front--"

"Okay Jeno Lee stop, I'll call Jaehyun now so hung up because I want to go back to sleep my class starts at 10 but I'll go to school at 8 just because you're hell worried." He ranted making me chuckle.

"But you wouldn't mind spending 2 hours with Jaehyun-hyung early in the morning right?" I teased making him groaned and chuckle.

"Shut up. I'm hanging up." He actually hanged up after saying so.

Nana what's going on with you?


"Hyung! How many times do I need to warn you not to step in in this kitchen?" I joked seeing Mark-hyung in the kitchen drinking milk, my milk. What the fuck.

"Good morning to you too brother and how dare you." He shot back.

"Going to school?" He asked giving me some milk and toasted bread he prepared.

"Yeah well aren't you? Where's Park and Zhong anyway?"

"My class starts at 9 on Mondays, the kids said they don't have their first hour today since the teacher is out so they're still in their room playing video games. I told you already about my schedule Jeno." Mark-hyung explained leaning on the kitchen counter with a cup in his hand.

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