You're My Star

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Gerard POV

"Should we wait longer?"

I looked up at the sky, admiring the swirling colors. Golden yellows blended into oranges. Deep reds faded into pinks. The sun was slowly setting, and the view was so gorgeous that my fingers twitched and the desire to paint burned deep inside me.

However, I pushed that feeling aside. Tonight wasn't about art, although it would consist of a form of it. It would be a form that probably wouldn't be considered art by some, because it wasn't painted or drawn onto a canvas by using a variety of medias. Art was anything that caused emotion upon looking at. I knew I'd be feeling a hell of a lot tonight.

"Not quite yet, babe." I softly remarked, smiling over at my boyfriend who was standing in front of me, while I sat on a chopped down tree stump.

He smiled back at me and my heart clenched tightly at the sight.

He was beautiful like this; the streaks of dying sun catching on his lip ring when he moved and making his entire face light up. His eyes were a perfectly melted combination of amber and forest green that practically glowed every time I met them with my own hazels.

His lips were carved delicately, but somehow roughly at the same time. At least, they were rough when they fought against my own. Even if our kisses started off gentle and tender they always escalated to a heated and desperate frenzy. His lips were always so soft though, no matter the force behind them.

Every single detail about him was dreadfully gorgeous, and I was overwhelmed with all the emotion I harbored for him. As I watched him, I was consumed by a desire to drga my fingertips over every inch of his god-like features.

He must've noticed me gaping, because he was fidgeting with his hands and kept glancing up at me with a faint blush on his soft cheeks.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?" He questioned, a shy spark written in his eyes.

I grinned, unable to control how happy I felt just from hearing his silk voice. "Because I'm madly in love with you, and your face gives me a heart boner."

His face scrunched up and he giggled, the sound making my heart flutter.

"Heart boner?" He repeated after his giggle fit was over. "Does that mean I have to jerk off your heart?"

I tossed my head back and roared with laughter. I almost couldn't breathe from the joyous rapture, and at some point he joined in with me.

It was times like this that made me happy that we had gotten back together. Things had been rough lately with Frank. We'd been on and off a couple times, which I knew was unhealthy, but even when we had a disagreement we couldn't stay away from each other. It was always the same thing we argued on to. We'd been struggling because we both thought we weren't good enough for each other, or thought that one of us wasn't deserving of the other. Because of that, we split up twice. Both times after a few weeks had passed of being apart, we realized the mistake, and practically crawled back to one another. Should we have gotten back together since we both had such low self esteem? Probably not, but we were worse off when we weren't together. No matter how much I hated myself, Frank just made the world better.

Tonight we decided we needed to bond, so we were going to have a bonfire and stargaze. It was like a stay at home date. We were currently waiting for the sun to sink more before we started the fire, but I could tell my lover was anxious, so I tried to joke with him in hopes he'd relax some. 

Our laughter died off, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him down so we could sit on the tree stump together.

He allowed himself to be moved, and parted his legs so he was straddling me as he lowered himself onto my lap. I let go of his hand and brought both of my arms tightly around his waist. In response, he leaned forward and rested his head on top of mine, his thin arms slinking around my neck. I felt him sigh contentedly and relax against me. I began rubbing soothing circles into his back he hummed happily. My head was equal with his chest, so I could perfectly hear his heartbeat thrumming inside him.

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