The Water Might Be Frozen, But Our Hearts Are Warm

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"This is a bad idea, Frank."

"It'll be fine Gee. We'll have fun!" He smiled at me before grabbing the metal fence and pulling himself on top of it. He swung one leg over, then the other, and jumped off onto the ground on the other side.

"Throw me the bag, babe." He called.

I huffed from where I stood and pulled my backpack off before tossing it to him. He caught it with an admirable amount of skill since the contents of the bag were heavy.

"Comm'n, your turn baby." He said with a wicked grin.

I forced my feet to move, slowly dragging them through the snow. When I came close enough to the fence, I climbed over just as Frank had done before me.

"See? Not that bad."

As I looked around the area, I decided it really wasn't that bad.

The site we were stood in was actually intended to be a skating rink, but one that was outside and only open when the pond was frozen solid.

Frank, being the little rebel he was, had protested we go at night when it was closed.

"It'll be romantic." He had said. "Just imagine me holding you up, keeping you safe from falling. The risk of getting caught."

The idea was intriguing, and of course, I couldn't say no to Frank.

So here we were in the cold and the dark. I don't know why we couldn't have just gone during the day like most people, but I guess this was fine too.

I was nervous though, I hadn't been skating in a few years and I was sure to mess up and fall, and embarrass myself in front of Frank.

We found a nearby bench and sat down to pull on our skates. When I finished tying my laces, I took a moment to admire him.

The cold air made his cheeks flush red, along with his little nose. His hair was standing up in different directions due to the wind. He was wrapped in multiple layers of jackets, and it made him look small.

He was so perfect.

When he sat up, he caught me staring at him. His cheeks turned an even deeper red and he smiled timidly.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful," I responded instantly.

He avoided my gaze and looked down, fumbling with his hands.

"I am nothing compared to you." He said, looking back up at me. His stare was intense and full of love and awe.

Not feeling in the mood for arguing, I grabbed his hands and stood up, pulling him with me.

"Alright let's do this."


I don't know how long we were out there, probably hours, but it only felt like minutes.

Whenever I was with Frank, time seemed to fly by.

The amount of love I felt towards him was practically inhuman.

He'd shown me everything he knew about ice skating, which was surprisingly a lot. I had also learned a bit, despite the many times I slipped. Frank kept me from falling through, anytime I moved wrongly he was quick to wrap his arms around me and stop me from falling.

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