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A/N: Drug usage TW. Also, I know next to nothing about drugs so if I've misused slang or terms very sorry.

Frank watched as the men across from him took turns passing a joint between the two of them.

He was slightly buzzed himself, the effects of the drug making everything rather hazy. It was starting to wear off; though he had already decided that he would be turning his attention to a bottle next instead of another hit.

He had always preferred the warm sensation of alcohol over anything he could smoke. He did enjoy getting high, but nothing compared to the comfort he found in a bottle.

Frank's case was anything but unique. His reasoning for drowning away his sorrows was something so common, he felt guilty for even being upset over it, when he knew he could be suffering from something much worse.

Unrequited love.

It wasn't as if the person with whom his feelings were pointed towards had no idea who he was. Unlike some bitter and unfortunate high school story the person he loved knew who he was, very well in fact. Probably because he was in love with his best friend.

Falling for Gerard Way was easy. He had always supported Frank's band, Pency Prep, while they were still together. He had accepted Frank into his own band and made him welcome there, he gave him a purpose and something to do with his life. He gave Frank long and thoughtful compliments on his instrumental skills, and on occasion, good advice. He always giggled in the cutest way whenever Frank did something particularly stupid or funny. (The first option happened more than the second) and he was genuinely the prettiest person Frank had ever met. It was so much more than that though. It was everything about the older man that made the younger weak in the knees.

It was his entire heart, his soul. He was so genuinely good, and so pure, far more than this world deserved to see. It was his rough voice that was always so quiet, unless he was singing. It was how gorgeously his mind worked, and the art he made with it. It was how he was kind to everyone. It was how deeply he felt everything.

It was how he currently looked as he sat across from Frank and sucked on a spliff.

The boy's heart ached at the sight, as he so wished he could kiss the delicious lips that were wrapped tightly around the drug.

Usually, he was quite happy to spend time with Gerard, but today he was only sad and uncomfortable.

Gerard's girlfriend, Kat, had spent the day with them, along with Mikey, Ray, and Matt.

Frank was sure the others knew of his crush on Gerard, because any time Gerard and Kat would do something cuddly or sweet, one of them would send a sympathetic glance in his direction.

Luckily, Kat had left their place about an hour ago, and as soon as she did, the Way brothers had whipped out some weed and offered it to the rest of the band.

Everyone besides Frank had declined, they weren't in the mood for it and had things to do for the band. The only reason Frank hadn't rejected their offer was because he needed to take off the stress from his day. That, and well, he basically couldn't say no to Gerard, not ever.

"Hey Frank, you alright, bro?" Mikey asked him, breaking his train of thought.

Frank looked up from the floor, which he hadn't realized he was staring at, to see both of the brothers staring at him.

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