If the Radiation Gets You

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A/N: I know its been a while, a little over a month, but some stuff been happening and I just couldn't write Fanfiction. I'm back now though, and I'm hoping to have another shot up sometime this week. This was supposed to be in the Fabulous Killjoy world, but I thought this might be more fitting. The stuff it italics is memories.

As always, review, vote, don't stay silent.


Fear clasped around his heart in the same way a murder's hands grasp a knife; no intention of letting go. It traveled all around his body, racing from his head down to his toes, leaving an icy trail behind that made him cold. It froze him in place, making sure he was unable to move or to breathe. All at once, everything went white and he couldn't see. The ice inside him was bleeding into his vision, changing the room around him into a wild snowstorm. Everything slowed and the wind from the snowstorm blocked out any other noise.

Black distorted images soon began to creep into the snowstorm, moving like dancing shadows until they took over the storm and he was left in darkness.


"Mr. Iero, can you hear me? I need you to wake up. Mr. Iero?"

Frank's eyes shot open and instantly darted all over the room, trying to figure out where he was.

Judging by the bright, white walls, sterile smell, and women in scrubs leaning over him, he was in a hospital.

"Mr. Iero, can you hear me?" The nurse closest to him repeated.

Frank blinked once before looking up at her and nodding.

The nurse then held up a her hand, "How many fingers?"

"Three." He mumbled.

The nurse turned around and quietly said something to the two behind her. They nodded in acknowledgment and left the room.

The nurse that remained in the room with him then turned her attention back to him. She pulled a small flashlight out of her coat pocket. "Follow my finger." She said, lifting one finger up and slowly moving it back and forth while her other hand pointed the light onto Frank's eyes.

He watched her finger until she put her flashlight away, saying how his vitals looked good.

"Do you remember what happened, Frank?" She asked.

He pushed back as far as he could, but found no memory past arriving at the hospital a few hours earlier.

"You had a panic attack, and passed out. You were asleep for about two hours. We tried to call your husband and inform him of your condition, but he didn't pick up any of our calls, and there were no other numbers listed in your files. Do you have anyone else you want to call, or would you like us to call him again?"

Frank froze from his spot on the hard bed. Panic welt up inside him again. Memories came back in a flat few seconds, and he remembered why he had to come to the hospital in the first place, and why he had passed out.

Trying to prevent himself from fainting again, he used the breathing exercises he'd learned in therapy a few years back.

"Mr. Iero are you alright?" The nurse asked.

"Don't call my husband again. I...I need to tell him myself. I remember now."

The nurse's expression fell into one of sympathy. She gently reached out and placed her hand on his arm. "I understand. Take as much time as you need. You're welcome to leave whenever you like, you just need to sign a couple papers and then you're free to go." She smiled at him before removing her hand and grabbing a clipboard with multiple papers on it, which she handed to him.

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