Its Not Christmas Without Pancakes

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Since Christmas is coming up I thought this would be nice.

Gerard POV

Sunlight poked out from the curtains, streaks landing on my husband's face. I'd been awake for a while now, just enjoying the peace of the morning.

Frank always looked the best like this; peaceful and careless of any worries. Of course, he was always beautiful to me, but this was my favorite time to admire him, his post-sex glow being a close second.

As I lay watching my true love, I heard small voices outside our door. Then, the door's handle turned and it opened, two small heads popping around the corner.

I shifted in the bed, pulling myself up in an upright position.

My seven-year-old daughter and four-year-old son quietly waddled into the room, one carrying a toy in her arms and the other had his thumb stuck in his mouth.

I smiled at them as they came to my side of the bed, seeing as their other father wasn't awake yet.

"Dada, it's Christmas!" Miles mumbled, still not removing his thumb from his mouth.

"Can we open presents, Dada?" Bandit asked. She moved closer to the bed so she was resting her head on the edge of it.

"Baby girl, you know we eat pancakes before presents. Besides, Daddy isn't awake yet." I said to her.

"Then let's wake him up!" She whined.

I glanced over at my sleeping partner. I knew how much he loved this time of year, and I knew how much he also loved being woken by our children.

"Okay guys, climb up here." I patted the bed and shifted closer to Frank.

Bandit climbed up with ease, but Miles was rather small for his age and struggled. I had to lean over and pull him up the rest of the way.

The two crawled over to Frank and began poking him.

"Daddy, wake up, it's Christmas!" Bandit said loudly.

"Yeah, Daddy! Waky!" Miles copied his sister's actions.

Frank groaned in his sleep and turned on his side, away from the children. I knew him well enough to know he was still sleeping, heavily at that.

"Dada he's not waking up!" Bandit whined, slamming her little fists on the bed.

"Is Daddy dead?" Miles asked, his hazel eyes filling with tears.

"Aw, baby no. He's okay he's just sleepy, see?" I leaned over so I was hovering over Frank and then placed a kiss on his lips.

That did it.

He instantly moaned, and when I pulled away, he whined, his lips following mine.

His eyes were still closed as he sat up, "Gee, come backkk."

Our children giggled, amused by Frank's current state.

I leaned back in, kissing him warmly and wrapping one arm around his back. He smiled against the kiss, in turn making me smile. We broke apart and his eyes finally opened, looking into mine with so much love.

"Merry Christmas, Frank," I whispered.

He smiled widely at me before turning his attention to our kids.

His smile got even wider when he saw them, and he opened his arms wide for them.

They both instantly jumped into his arms, Bandit on the right and Miles on the left.

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