So Far From You

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A/N: ...

He'd been..changing..recently or at least he had just now noticed it.

Not like in a physical way of change, but like his heart. Who he was.

All his life he thought he was straight.

He'd had his share of girlfriends, mostly just a couple crushes that hadn't gone anywhere. There was one long term relationship, and it had been great, but he knew it wasn't right.

For a while, he'd been friends with a boy named Bert McCracken.

They'd bonded, and Gerard opened up to him a lot, as Bert did with him.

There were times when the boys would flirt and joke together about how every day they would meet at six o clock and have sex.

It never happened, it was just a joke, and that was their thing, but there were times Bert would react negatively to the joke, and Gerard would feel hurt and disappointment.

He didn't understand why though, because he was straight, and it was just a joke.

He also didn't understand the intense jealousy he felt when Bert got a girlfriend. Or how uncomfortable he felt when Bert would gush about how pretty she was or something cute she did.

Gerard just passed it off as he was just jealous his friend had someone, after all, they were in high school, freshman year. Everyone wanted someone it seemed like.

However, he couldn't deny the pain he felt when his closest friend had to be moved to a different school, in a different town three hours away.

He just missed his friend, that was it. He wasn't gay for the other boy, he just wanted his friend.

However, he couldn't deny how he felt during sophomore year when a new student showed up and completely stole his heart from day one.

Gerard had just been sitting at a bench outside of the cafeteria during lunch because he had literally no one to hang out with.

He noticed someone approaching and looked up from his phone to see it was Lindsey, the girl he'd dated for a long time. After the break up they'd had a lot of issues but managed to hold somewhat of a friendship.

She stood next to where he sat and they talked for a while about nonsense when another person came over and sat at the other side of the bench that Gerard had been sat at.

It was the new kid.

Looking at him, Gerard realized this guy was really attractive. He had a black fringe with the sides of his hair dyed blonde and shaved into a buzz typestyle. His eyes were rimmed with black eyeliner and red eyeshadow, his eyes themselves being a lovely green. All in all, he had a very nice face.

Gerard snapped out of his trance to realize Lindsey had walked away and the person had just asked him a question.

"I'm sorry what'd you say?" Gerard asked.

"I said do you just not eat? Why are you sitting out here by yourself?" The attractive boy asked.

"Oh.. Uh.. well I don't really have friends so there's no one for me to sit with..." This left Gerard feeling a little pathetic about himself. He was just sitting all by himself feeling sorry because he didn't have the courage to make new friends.

The boy nodded his head. "Yeah I don't have friends either but I just moved here so.." He trailed off.

Gerard could see there was something terribly dark about this boy, he seemed like he was drowning yet at the same time like he was the worlds best swimmer and drowning wasn't possible.

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