Lonely Souls

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A/N: this contains vampires so protect your necks

Summit, New Jersey was a clean, nice city. Almost every house had manicured lawns and trimmed hedges, with either garden gnomes or pink flamingos adorning the yards. The streets were void of potholes or litter, and any trash was sure to be stashed into organized bins based on whether it was junk or a recyclable. Most of the civilians were well off financially, except for the occasional few that struggled to pay their bills. It was a safe area with low crime, which was a rare feature in Jersey. The weather was warm and sunny in all the summer months, and it received just enough rain to keep the earth from going dry. Summit was almost the perfect the city. Until night fell.

When the sun dropped below the skyline and the moon rose high, Summit, New Jersey became a new city, one ruled by creatures of darkness. There weren't many of them, but some vampires lived in the cities' shadows, only coming out when the moon lit the streets.

They did their best to avoid people in the daylight, only feeding off of the criminals that the police hadn't caught yet, sometimes even going out of Summit when the crime rate was especially low. They also didn't bother coming out of wherever they lived, unless their inner demon desired the taste of human blood. Whether it was an apartment or a mansion, the Summit vampires hid themselves away. However, they couldn't be contained twenty-four-seven.

Gerard Way, the mate of the richest vampire in the city, found himself wandering from their three-story home one night. It was darker outside than usual since the quarter moon was blocked by a thick mass of clouds. His supreme hearing could detect the quietest of sounds made by the smallest action. As he ambled down the sidewalk he listened to all the noises the night had to offer, trying to distract himself from the dull sadness burning inside his chest.

Ever since he was turned, his emotions were somehow both amplified and muffled at the once. Certain emotions were stronger than others. He knew that only his creator would know why, as vampire's abilities were descended from whoever turned them. It worked like genetics in a way. He supposed that either his creator or the one before him had abilities and senses like his.

For some reason, his hearing was stronger than most, but only when he really focused on it. Like now, he could hear cars in the far away distance, and cicadas chirping nearby. With his increased vision, Gerard could see a neighbor that was still awake moving around in their house. The lights would break for a second as they walked past them, and Gerard smiled to himself a little at the frantic movements. He thought that at this late the little human should be in bed. Really though, so should he. Vampires didn't require the same amount of sleep humans did, but if they hadn't fed within so long they could replenish themselves through a peaceful state similar to sleep.

He didn't need to sleep tonight, though he did feel a tad more sluggish than usual. He was too stressed to rest. As hard as he tried, he couldn't block out the whispers and thoughts racing around in his mind. His boyfriend, Frank, had seemed so distant lately, and Gerard was feeling hurt. By no means did he have a bad relationship. Frank treated him like he was gold, at least when he was around he did. Gerard wasn't really sure why his other half was acting so different, but it bothered him, so before Frank had finished up working from his office, the older vampire slipped away into the night to clear his head. He didn't feel the craving of blood, so he only intended to walk around.

He understood that Frank was busy, and since he worked from home in order to pay for their very nice house he often worked even longer than required to make extra cash. They really didn't need it since they could honestly survive in the wild, but if someone were to find them living in the woods without malnutrition it would raise suspicion. They liked the cushiness of their home though, and all the sides that came with it, even if their decor style could put Mortica Addams to shame. Stuck between two very different minds, their breed of demon was one that fought viciously between the lines of both animal and human instincts.

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