You Are My Forever (Part 1)

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When Gerard was four, he had been at the hospital when his mother's best friend Linda gave birth to her first and only son, Frank Iero Jr.

Frank Senior had been too busy being a drummer in some failing rock band and had been unable to see his child enter the world. So, the only other person Linda could call to help her make it through the exhilarating process was Donna Way.

Donna, upon hearing the news of her friend's upcoming delivery, had collected both of her children and rushed to the hospital, leaving Gerard and Mikey in the care of a nurse.

Gerard, as little as he was, had more understanding of the situation than most four-year-olds. After all, his mother had given birth to his younger brother a year prior, so Gerard knew everything about babies.

The Ways now sat with the Ieros in their hospital room, all looking over the baby that had just joined them.

Gerard took an instant liking to him and vowed he would teach him everything he knew about drawing with crayons.

"Me and Fwankie are gonna pway together. I teach him to colwer."

Donna smiled at her oldest child. "You can teach him to color when he's older Gerard. He's too little right now."

Offended that his mother had clearly forgotten how he helped raise Mikey and therefore knew this already, he said to her, "Duh mommy. I was twalking about when he's oldwer! Like Mwikey!"

Both of the mothers laughed at that. They knew as soon as little Frank could hold the crayon on his own, Gerard would be forcing it in his hand and trying to make him his partner in art.

Unfortunately for him, Frank would take a liking to other things.


When Gerard was eight, Frank was four.

Frank, much to Gerard's displeasure, didn't care about the elder's lessons in the art of crayon drawing. Or marker drawing, or colored pencil drawing. Gerard had tried teaching Frank everything he learned in his elementary art classes, but the younger one wouldn't budge on the subject.

Instead, he liked playing with his toy guitar Linda had bought him. His tiny hands couldn't do much to it, but it was made for four-year-olds so it worked for him. He also didn't understand the concept of his guitar much.

He didn't know things like Gerard did, but he became very happy whenever his mother turned music on.

He was also spending a lot of time with the Ways. His mother's work schedule left her unable to pick him up from daycare, but luckily he was in the same daycare class as Mikey. Donna conveniently worked at the same daycare center, just in an older class, so she was able to take care of both boys when they were done and watch them. By the time Gerard got off the bus from his school, he only had an hour with the small Iero boy before his mother picked him up. Granted he couldn't do much with him, but Frank was Gerard's only friend beside Mikey. Despite the age difference, they managed along nicely, the three of them did. Just their trio and nothing could break them up.


When Gerard was twelve, Frank was eight.

They spent all their free time together, to the point where Gerard was bullied a bit for hanging out with someone so much younger than him.

That was what was currently happening. Two boys a grade ahead of Gerard had him up against the outside of the school's walls.

"Maybe if you didn't hang out with babies you wouldn't be such a loser." The first one sneered. He had his hands pressed tightly against Gerard's neck, keeping him in place as well as suffocating him.

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