Broken in the Same Places

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A/N: Trigger warning: self-harm, depression, physical bullying. Please don't read if you are sensitive to this.

The sliver metal taunted him from its plastic confines, kept in place by a single nail.

He knew what he wanted from it.

He knew all he wanted was to take a screwdriver, maybe a pair of scissors, anything to break the blade away from where it belonged.

His heart was hurting. It wasn't a new feeling, but he knew how to satisfy it.

He knew what he needed to do to make the pressure in his chest, in his head, and his soul go away.

The burning desire was calling out to him so loudly.

He wasn't strong enough to drown out the screams.


Gerard kept his head down as he walked through Hell's halls.

The school was large, and he had to be in his creative writing class in two minutes, which was on the other side of the school.

It was a fun class, he got to be creative, and there was an adorable boy there.

An adorable boy that happened to be straight and way out of Gerard's league.

Frank wasn't on the football team or honor roll or anything of the sort, but Gerard knew if ever the chance Frank would so much as even look in his direction, he wouldn't allow anything to happen because Frank was so much better than Gerard.

Frank wasn't pathetic. Frank wasn't ugly. Frank wasn't a loser-from Gerard's perspective at least. Frank wasn't untalented or stupid or worthless.

Frank was amazing. He was beautiful and smart and talented. He was fucking cool.

Gerard didn't stand a chance with him.

Gerard sighed as he finally made it into class. The boy that had been vacating his mind was seated in the back row, right next to Gerard's usual spot. This came as a shock to the young boy. He knew him and his crush shared this class, but Frank was usually sat in the front, right by Ms. Bitchy.

He took his seat and hoped he hadn't been noticed because he was a single minute late, God forbid.

"Mr. Way, I'd appreciate it if you came to my class on time for once." The teacher's shrill voice rang out.

"Sorry ma'am it's just that it's a long wa-

"Save it, I don't have time for your excuses. Now get out the assignment and don't disrupt the class again." She snarled, turning away from the poor boy and doing something at her desk.

Gerard almost had to hold back tears. It wasn't his fault his classes were so far apart. Why was she so mean?

He sighed, realizing he didn't even know what the assignment was. There was nothing on the board, and his seat was in the back corner so he couldn't see what anyone else was doing.

Anyone else besides....

"Hey, um, Frank?" Gerard whispered out.

Frank's head snapped up, and he looked at Gerard and surprisingly enough, he smiled.

God, he has the best smile.

Frerard OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora