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The bright sunshine and crisp morning air fill my room and wake me up at ten. I lay there for a while reminiscing about last night, it was not the most perfect homecoming. I spent majority the night worrying if Peter was alive. I wish we could have had a one day break from Spider-Man so we could have really enjoyed the experience but duty calls. 

I roll out of bed and make my way towards the half of my room that is covered in boxes that I have yet to unpack. I rip open a garbage bag and grab out the first thing I see, before taking a quick shower. Stepping out of the shower I realize I grabbed a black midi dress. I pull it on and it instantly makes everything feel much more summery, although it is far from it. 

Walking back into my room I noticed that people have now invaded my space and are painting my walls. I completely forgot that Tony told me that they were coming this morning. I sit on my bed that has been moved to the middle of the room and watch as the men paint the new grey with purple undertone overtop of the egg shell colour. 

I moved back into my bathroom, painting my lashes with mascara and my lips with gloss. I brushed through my damp tangled hair for a solid ten minutes before it was finally straight and smooth. I pull it back into a slick ponytail and make my way out of the room, heading to the kitchen for something to eat. I walk past the living room and on the couch is Thor, Wanda, Vision and Steve watching the news. As I walk into the kitchen, at the island stands Tony with a stack of pancakes in front of him.

"Made them fresh for you," He says, siping his coffee.

"They look so good!" I grab a plate, and pick two up plopping them down. I add some syrup and strawberries I found in the fridge, and sit at the island with Tony.  

"I have news," Tony says, turning in his chair to face me, "Turns out there is way to test to see if there is a possibility for any powers," 

"Really?" I ask while a piece of pancake hangs from my lip. 

"Yeah, we will save this experiment for tomorrow," He says, taking the last sip of his coffee. 

"Thank you!" I say, jumping up and hugging him from behind. 

"No problem," He says patting my arms with a smile dancing on his lips, "I will be in the lab if you need me," 

I gathered my plate and cleaned it quickly, before making my way to my room. 

"It's done already?" I ask, walking it. I touch a tiny corner of the wall and it is already dry. 

What kind of sorcery shit is this?

I go to reach for my phone to take a picture, only to remember it is broken. Opening my side table, I pull out the plastic bag that held my dismembered phone. I make my way to the lab to see if it can be salvaged. 

"Hello?" I called, walking in. 

"Over here!" I follow Tony's voice, "What's up?" 

"You know how Peter caught the man with the wings, right?" I ask.

"Yeah," He nods. 

"I gave Peter my phone incase anyone needed to track and find his location, and now it's broken. Is there anything you can do to fix this?" I ask, handing over the plastic bag. 

"The best I can do is use it for parts in other projects," He explains, examining it. 

"Oh," I say, let down. 

"But I might just have something that can help with this problem," He says walking off behind a giant table. I take this time to look around the lab and it's giant, I could get lost in here, "For you!" I turn towards Tony and in his hand is the box to an iPhone. 

The Girl Next Door (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now