Part 27

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We made grilled cheeses for the both of us and some extra if anyone is hungry. I placed two on a plate and put the rest in the fridge. I took our plates over to where Peter was sitting at the table and we started eating. After a little time of eating and chatting, I noticed Natasha came into the room.

"Hi, you two," she said in a flirty way. "What are you both doing here?" She said confused.

"Long story" I replied.

"Since your here; can you help me with decorating. I hate decorating. I don't know why they gave that job to me." She said sounding annoyed.

"Sure," Peter said as he got up. I reached over and grabbed his plate before he could. I took them over to the sink and cleaned them. I finished up and turned around and they both weren't there. I started walking around looking, I went outside because that's where the party is. There they were starting to decorate.

I got out there, "Can you make these up and place them on the center of each table please." Nat said to me.

"Sure, thing" I replied back. I went to her to the table that held the centerpiece supplies and looks at them for awhile. It is as mostly already put together but it needed some puffing up. I grabbed each one and placed them on a table. There were a blue and red tissue paper ball and out of the top was webs shooting upwards and then there was mine that was giant balls of different shades of purple tissue paper. I continued placing them on each table until there were no more. I went back and moved the tissue paper around so that it looked more like a ball.

"I think I finished, Nat!" I yelled from the other side of the yard. She turned around and gave me a thumbs up. I walked over to Nat and Peter who was hanging up some like ribbon stuff and watched for a little while until Peter was finished. 

"You are good to go," Nat said with a smile. 

"Ok," I replied. I started walking inside when Peter caught up to me. 

"Whatcha wanna do now?" Peter asked me. I turned around and started walking backward so I could see him. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked him. A smile grew across his face.

"Sure," He said. 

I turned back around so I was facing forward and started running "Catch me if you can" I yelled as I was running after 10 seconds of Peter realizing he started running after me. I made it to my room where I couldn't see him anymore. I slowed down and walked in my room. I was startled when arms wrapped around my waist from behind and lifted me in the air and spun me. I started laughing and giggling. 

"Put me down," I said while I was laughing. I was slowly put down and spun around to face Peter. I looked at him with a smile and he was smiling as well. For a moment we were silent. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He still had his arms around my waist so it was easy for him to hug me back. I released from the hug but my arms still around his neck. I looked at him and I leaned in and kissed him gently. He kissed back. It felt like everything was perfect, everything went quiet. I really did like Peter so much. The kissed ended and we looked at each smiling. I let go and tried to get away but his tight grip was still around me. I turned back and he was smiling. 

"Friday; play some music," Peter said out loud. 

'Back to you' by Selena Gomez played. He grabbed my arm and spun me out. I'm not the best dancer. I did a couple of classes when I was little but I stopped because my parents didn't have the money anymore. Peter came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist again. I placed my arms around his neck and we rocked from side to side. We danced like that for awhile. I rested my head on his shoulder. I started singing; it's a habit to start singing when I like a song. I wouldn't say I'm good but everyone always told me I'm good. The song ended and we broke apart and I skipped over to my bed. I plopped down and sat patting the spot beside me for Peter to come to sit with me. He came over and sat beside me. 

"Thank you!" I said reaching over and hugging him. He didn't expect it and he fell over. We both started laughing. I got off of him. 

"Your welcome; any time you need me I'll be there," He said to me. "You have a beautiful voice! You should honestly sing something tonight!" He said.

"I'm not sure...I'm not that good," I said shifting my vision to my lap. 

"Shut up. You're amazing. You're as good as Selena Gomez" he said. It made me blush bright red. 

"Ok, but what do I sing?" I ask him for help.

"How about what we just danced to?" he suggested. 

"Um..ok. It's not a bad song" I said.

"Do you need to tell Nat or something?" He asked. My head shot up; I quickly hopped off the bed and started running. I heard Peter following me behind. We ran downstairs and across the entire house to get to the backyard. I got out there and spotted Nat. I walked up to her. 

"Hey, Nat. Can I sing something tonight at the party?" I asked her. Her face lite up.

"Of course. I didn't know you sang." She replied back to me.

"Hidden talent, I guess," I said back.

"What song were you thinking?" She asked me.

"Back to you by Selena Gomez" I replied.

"Ok. I'll let your dad know." She replied.

"YES," I said twirling. I grabbed Peter's hand and started pulling him with me. I ran around the house with Peter running beside me. I went back to my room. 

"Hello, Ashley and Peter!" I heard Friday say.

"Hi Friday," Peter said out loud.

"Tony wanted me to let you both know that he has set up your suits in the suit room; he wants you to get them. He wants Ashley to go to Wanda's room and Peter to go to Steve's room," he said to us. We both looked at each other. I looked at my watch and saw it was 6:00 and the release of Spider-Man and Vortex were at 7:00. We ran to the suit room where we saw our suits. We both got them off. I held mine in my arms and so did Peter. We turned to each other. I looked at him and smiled. We hugged and ran to our rooms we were asked to be in.

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