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Today's the day. The notorious "once in a lifetime experience" that Peter told me that I needed to attend. Majority of my week was spent watching different couples do Homecoming proposals. I didn't expect anyone to ask me to the dance but part of me wished someone did. That Peter would but he didn't. Instead, Ned, MJ and few more of us are all going together which I am quite excited for. 

Of course it's the moment I choose to plug in my hair curler that my phone starts ringing. I lift my head too quickly to answer that I end up smacking my head off the vanity. I sit there while my phone rings rubbing my head. 

A concussion right in time for homecoming! GREAT JOB ASHLEY!

I grab my phone and it lights up showing a FaceTime call from Peter and Ned. I accept and their faces fill my screen. 

"Hey!" I say, waving to them. 

"You won't believe what I just did!" Peter says, his camera lightly shaking. 

"What did you do?" Ned asks. 

"I asked Liz to Homecoming! And she said yes!" Peter says, the biggest smile appearing on his face. My face drops. 

"You okay Ashley?" Ned asks me, his eyebrows scrunching.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Just hit my head before I answered. Congratulations Peter!" I say quickly before ending the call. 

I am happy for him. Really. Truly. 

I can't think about this right now. I need to just focus on myself and make myself look like the hottest version of myself. I sit there for nearly an hour curling my hair to perfection, I brush it out to make it look effortless. I get dressed into the my silk body con pink dress, and black strap heels. I give myself a once over in the mirror.

I am looking hot tonight!

Walking down the stairs was a struggle in heels. I've never been one to wear them but it seemed fitting for tonight. I enter the living room and notice everyone sitting on couches watching a movie. Tony is the first to look over. 

"You look stunning," Tony says, catching everyone else's attention. They all turn to look at me and a smile spreads across each of their faces. 

 "Looking good, girl" Natasha says, leaning over the back of the couch. 

"Thank you," I say, patting my dress.

"I am going to have Happy drive you. I hope that's alright," Tony says, motioning towards Happy to come over. 

"Yeah," I say, nodding. 

A car ride to school later. Happy is holding the car door open for me to step out as if this was a red carpet event. I heard my name being called and I look up, and at the top of the stairs is Liz, waving at me. I give her a quick wave. 

"Thank you so much, Happy!" I say, giving him a big hug. 

"Anytime," He says. I watch Happy get back into his seat and drive off. I look around and I spot Peter. He's sitting in the back of the car talking to someone. 

Must be Liz's dad?

I watch him as he gets out of the car looking frazzled. He doesn't look in my direction, just keeps walking forward. I speed walk towards Peter and tap on his shoulder, he turns to look at me and he's wearing a scare expression. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him. 

"Turns out the guy with the wings is Liz's dad. He knows that I am Spider-Man. I need to leave to stop him but I can't let Liz down again," He explains. 

"Wow," I take a minute to process what he just said, "Just go tell her and be honest with her. I will go find Ned. Where should he meet you?" 

"Outback near the busses." He says. Peter surprises me by giving me a hug. I hug him back but just as it started he lets go. He starts jogging to the front doors, "You look gorgeous by the way!" 

I can't help but blush at his compliment. I turn and make my way inside on the hunt for Ned. I find him standing near the punch bowl, and whisper to him what's going down. 

Ned leads the way to the parking lot where all the buses are parked. We rush outside and witness being thrown around by another man with a giant gauntlet on his arm. I turn to Ned and put a finger on my lip to signal to keep quiet. We creep as close as we can without being hit, and just in front of us sits one of Peter's web shooters. Without thinking Ned and I run out, I pick it up and toss it to him. Ned shoots the web straight at the mans gauntlet. 

"Yes!" Peter yells. Peter jumps into the air and grabs the web, ripping the gloves off the mans hand. He shoots the man, webbing him to a bus. Peter jogs over to us. 

"Take my phone," I say, handing over my phone. He takes it out of my hand.

"How did you know I didn't have mine?" He asks. 

"Just a hunch," I say. He shakes his head at me, smiling. 

Maybe this hunch is apart of that purple aura stuff you created. 

"Alright, I need you both to go to the computer lab and call me off of Ned's phone," Peter says before running off. 

Ned and I speed walk as quickly as possible towards the lab. We don't need any teachers or students think we are suspicious and to follow us. The second we enter the lab, Ned is already calling my phone. 

"Hello!" Peter yells through the phone. 

"Hi" Ned says. 

"Ned, can you find out how to turn on the headlights to Flash's car?" Peter asks. 

"You stole Flash's car?" I ask, surprised. 

"Yeah," Peter says. Ned starts typing away on the computer trying to find out the how to turn on the headlights. "Ashley! Can you get hold of Happy please?"

"Sure thing!" I say. I tap away at my watch until I hear a ringing.

"What is it, Kid?" Happy answers the phone saying. 

"There is a prob-" I say, before the line goes dead. "Peter! The call was disconnected!" 

"Headlights?" Peter asks. 

Ned explained it to him but that was when one of the teachers found us. We were forced back to the dance and was told that we would have a 'lovely meeting on Monday'. 

Great, let's hope Tony is chill with this. 

I use Neds phone to text Peter to meet me at the usual park afterwards, to ensure that he is okay. 

A few hours pass before Peter shows up at the park. He's all beaten up, and covered scratched, bruises and even a little blood. He limps up to me and I throw my arms around him, holding on tightly and he does the same back. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him, letting go of him and resting my hands on his biceps. 

"I will be," He says.

The Girl Next Door (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now