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"Ashley," Tony says looking up from his phone.

"Hello Mr. Stark," I say, a small smile dancing across my lips. 

"Oh goodness kid, call me Tony," he says, "You hungry?" 

I nod my head and Tony leads me outside to a black car. He opens the back door and motions for me to enter, I get in and he shuts the door behind me. I watch as he walks around to the other side of the car and gets in. The car is all black on the inside with a wall dividing the driver and us. This car must be expensive. 

"How long have you been attending that school for?" Tony asks. 

"Only a few weeks," I say.

"Where did you attend before?" He asks, turning his body slightly towards me. 

"A school in Baltimore," I say. 

"Did you grow up in Baltimore, Maryland?" He asks, taking off his glasses.

"Yeah, where did you grow up?" I ask.

"Here in New York but not Queens, Manhattan," He explains. 

"Do I have any grandparents?" I ask. 

I really hope I do have grandparents, or any other extended family! Mom only has a sister but they don't talk much anymore so I hardly ever see her and Dad is an only child. Plus, both their parents passed away before I was born, so it's always just been Mom, Dad and I. 

"No grandparents on my side. My parents passed away in a car accident just a few years before you were born," He explains, "I do have a beautiful girlfriend,"

"Do I get to meet her?" I ask, feeling over joyed.

"Soon enough, Kid" He says, just as the car comes to a park.

I look around at our surroundings and I'm surprised to see myself outside of Avenger's Tower. I've never seen it in person before, and it's much bigger then the photos show. I swing open my door before anyone can open it for me, I stare at the building in amazement. 

"Let's go!" Tony shouts. 

I see him standing holding the front door open. I make my way into the building, and OH MY GOODNESS! It's giant, there's so much room to move in here, so much open space. I keep following Tony until we end up in a dining room with food everywhere. Have I mentioned how much I love food? We both sit down and I start grabbing stuff and putting it on my plate. 

"Have you made any friends yet?" He asks, cutting up some chicken. 

"Yeah, a few. There's Liz, she's very kind and pretty, kinda popular but not in a mean way. She just kinda knows everyone. And then Ned, he reminds me of a teddy bear, and he's very loud and definitely an extrovert. Oh, and there's Peter," I say. I notice how Tony perks up a bit at the mention of Peter, "He's extremely sweet and he's so easy to talk to! I can see us becoming best friends," 

I notice a small smirk-smile appear on Tony's face.

"What?" I ask before popping a few fries in my mouth.

"Oh nothing," He says, shaking his head, "Sounds like you've made some nice friends,"

"Surprisingly yeah! I don't make friends easily," I explain, "You know Spider-Man right?" 

"I do," He says, continuing to eat his chicken.

"Do you know who he is? Like under the suit?" I ask, Tony lifts an eyebrow to my questions, "I've run into him a couple times, I was just curious," 

"Well, when he's ready he just might reveal who he is to you," He says, stabbing beans. 

I let out a breath, I tried. I want to be friends with Spider-Man but it's kinda difficult when the only time you ever see him is when he's saving you. I want to be able to do normal non-superhero things with him, maybe one day we will. 

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