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Who would've thought it is possible that in a single week, a family of three could up and move to Queens, NY. It surely wasn't me, until I was proven wrong. It had to have been the most stressed I'd seen either of my parents, both running around from sunrise to sunset packing up our entire home. 

I finish putting away the last of my clothes from the box that had been sitting in the corner of my room for nearly 3 weeks. I collapse the box and take it out to the kitchen where a stack of unassembled boxes lay on the counter. Turning to head back to my room, I catch a glimpse of the clock signalling it's four o'clock. I pivot back around to the kitchen in hopes of finding something in there to eat, but when I open the fridge to reveal nothing, I frown. 

The whole reason my parents wanted to move us to Queens a month before school started was for me to go out and navigate myself around the neighbourhood. After three weeks of staying mostly in the house, sometimes on the fire escape outside my bedroom window with a book. I make a decision that today, the day before school starts, is the day that I step foot outside of this house, and explore the neighbourhood. 

I stand on my tippy toes and grab down the cookie jar from the top of the fridge, pulling out a twenty dollar bill and placing it back in it's spot. I pull on my white Converses and grab my keys from the hooks quickly as I'm closing the door, almost forgetting that I need to lock it. I head over to the small foyer in front of the elevator. I would take the stairs but if I'm going to be walking around the neighbourhood for a few hours, I might as well save some of those steps for later. 

That's a nice way of saying you're lazy.

Hey! I'm not lazy, I'm being efficient.

You could already be outside by now!


I look down at the ground and take notice of my shoes that were once bright white, now they're almost a cream colour. The elevator dings and I make my way inside, not looking up which causes me to walk right into someone who's exiting the elevator. I stumble back a bit but someone grabbing my arm keeps me from falling. I look at the person and in front of me stands the cutest boy I've ever laid my eyes on. 

His light brown messy hair looks as if he had just woken up and ran his fingers through it, but it was perfect. His light brown eyes, big and kind staring back at me. His lips small and thin. He looked almost nerdy but not those ones you imagine sitting at lunch doing their homework, almost like he's smart but doesn't like to show it. He wore a blue crewneck with a brown checkered collar popping out from underneath, blue jeans, black shoes and a black backpack thrown over one shoulder. 

I look down at his hand that was still holding onto my arm. I look up at him and make eye contact, his eyes hold a look of concern. 

"Are you alright?" The boy asks. 

His voice! Kind, sweet, gentle, but also hot. I continue to look between the boy and my arm, shocked at the tingling feeling. 

Stop acting like you've never seen a boy before and answer the damn question!

"Yeah, I'm all good. Are you alright?" I say.

He chuckles at me, and might I add...HOT!

"I'm perfectly fine," He says, a small smile dancing across his face, "You just moved in next door right?"

"Yeah," I reply, taking notice that he's still holding onto my arm. I look down at his hand which slowly removes itself from my arm, which now feels cold and lonely. 

He nods in understanding. I give him a smile.

"I'm Peter by the way," He says, stretching his hand out towards me. I place my hand in his to shake, but all I can notice is how small my hand is in his. 

The Girl Next Door (Slowly Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat