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I examine my outfit in the mirror, it's pretty basic with black ripped boyfriend jeans, a white cropped tank top, jean jacket and the same converses from yesterday. I grab my backpack and leave the room only to nearly room into Liz. 

"Your up!" Liz says with a smile, before carrying on to knock on Ned's door. Ned slowly emerges from the room.

"Peter not back?" I whisper.

"No" he whispers. 

A short bus ride later we are all entering the building holding the Decathlon. We are all instructed to put our phones in a bag, and follow the line of people entering the auditorium. 

Thirty minutes later, we have nearly finished the Decathlon. 

"We have now entered sudden death the next correct answer wins the championship," the lady behind the podium says.

A question appears on the screen behind her, and before anyone can begin to do it a buzzer goes off.

"Zero" MJ says. 

"That is correct!" Podium lady says. 

The next few minutes consist of jumping, cheering, Flash running around. We even got a big trophy. As a celebration Liz tells us she has planned for us to go to the Washington Monument. Everyone gets ready to go in but MJ, who wants to stay back and read. 

Ned and I are chatting when his phone begins to ring. He quickly pulls it out, and answers. He says it's Peter and before he can say anything else I watch Liz snatch his phone from him. The security tells us to put all our belongings in the buckets to go through he metal detectors. I grab my bag and notice that Ned has the purple glow thing tucked into the side of his bag. We follow the tour guide onto the elevator that will take us to the top of the monument. 

The tour guide speaks very slowly about the monument but is cut off when a giant purple light shoots out from Ned's backpack. Ned tosses his bag to the floor and the elevator stops moving. Everyone begins to panic and scream. I would be lying if I wasn't scared myself. 

Everyone stops screaming when the security manage to get the elevator doors open, and everyone is instructed to get out one by one. Flash cuts in front of me and as he starts to move with the trophy still in his hands the elevator starts to shake. I grab ahold of the railing and hold onto it for dear life. 

"Are we gonna die?" Ned whispers to me.

"No, I'm not dying in an elevator, so not a cool way to die," I whisper back.

The second Flash got out, the elevator drops. We aren't falling for long before the elevator stills in its spot with spider webs holding it in place, and then we are falling again but this time Spider-Man is in the elevator with us. Everyone is screaming as we fall. Spider-Man stops the elevator again, and people climb out one at a time. I help Ned out of the elevator, and he turns to grab ahold of Liz but as she reached for his hand, the elevator ceiling under Spider-Man's foot breaks. 

Liz and I slowly fall in the elevator. I look up at Spider-Man, and it's as if everything is in slow motion. I watch as his web shoot at me, and I turn to grab ahold of Liz. We hang there, the only thing stopping us from falling to our death is a spider web, the elevator already crashing to the ground level. Spider-Man pulls his web up carefully brining us back to the open doors of safety. I let go of Liz's hand once she is on flat ground, and I watch as she runs as far away as possible from the elevator. I'm next to get up, and when I get to flat ground, I turn to Spider-Man. 

He saved me. I mean, he saved all of us. 

I go to reach my hand out to help him but he doesn't reach my hand before he starts falling. I panic and throw my arm out towards him in hopes of grabbing his hand but I don't. I keep my eyes closed, waiting for a bang but I never hear it. I open my eyes to see him floating, a purple aura around him. 

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