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"H-hey, Liz," Peter stutters.

"Hey, Peter" Liz says. 

"You look nice," Peter says.

"Thank you," Liz says, taking a second to admire her outfit. Her admiration is broke when something crashes from somewhere in the house, "I better go and check if anything's broken".

"How's the party been, Ash?" Ned asks.

"It's been good," I say, smiling. I watch as Peter is broken from a trance and makes eye contact with me. 

"Woah Ash," Peter says, smiling, "You look very pretty," 

"Thanks," I say, biting my lip trying to hold in my smile. No ones complimented me in such a long time, I can already feel the warmth of a blush appearing on my cheeks. Luckily, Ned started up a conversation with Peter. I turn towards the boy who's voice is echoing throughout the house.  

"Hey, Penis Parker!" Flash shouts from behind the DJ booth, "Where's Spider-Man? In Canada with your imaginary girlfriend?" he says before hitting a loud buzzer noise on his computer. 

I roll my eyes. Can this boy be anymore of an asshole? 

"That's not Spider-Man; that's just Ned in a red shirt," he says, the buzzer going off again. 

I turn towards Peter to see him looking very uncomfortable. 

 "Sorry, I have to go," Peter says before running off. 

"Will he be alright?" I ask Ned.

"He should be," He says, looking in the direction Peter went.

"I like your hat" I compliment. 

"Oh thanks! I got it from my grandma for my birthday!" Ned exclaims, excitedly. 

Ned and I spent some time chatting before he excused himself to get something to drink. I wandered around the house worrying about Peter. I leave Liz's house looking around the area in hopes of seeing Peter but he's no where to be seen. I keep walking, following the sidewalk when suddenly a big explosion sounds erupts. 

I look back at the house to see if anyone has heard and came outside but no one was there. I make my way towards where the sound came from but there was nothing there, as if it never happened. I start making my way back to the party when I come across a small playground. I don't really feel like partying anymore. I climb onto the playground and sit at the top of the slide.

You really get the most perfect view of the water from here. I keep taking in the dark surroundings, when suddenly something goes flying over my head, dropping something into the water. I tuck myself closer into the playground, hidden from sight until whatever the flying thing is gone. I don't need some flying monster attacking me.

After a few minutes pass, I stand up and look at the water, hoping to figure out what it is. Another thing goes flying over my head causing me to crouch and hide again. I peek out to see the thing flying into the water and pulling out the dropped item. 

The flying thing gets closer to me and I'm able to make out what this thing is. The thing is Iron Man. 

There's no freaking way that IRON MAN is right there. Your dad is right there!

Iron Man places the item on top of the playground dome climber and the item turns out to be a human. 

The scary flying thing chucked a human into the water! WHO DOES THAT???

I peek out to see if I can recognize the person and to my surprise there on the dome is Spider-Man. I continue to watch and eavesdrop on them. 

"He swooped down like a monster and, and just picked me up and just dropped me," Spider-Man says, "How'd you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit or something?"

"I put everything in your suit, including this heater" Iron Man says.  

"Ooh, that's better. Thanks," Spider-Man says.

"What were you thinking?" Iron Man says, sounding angry.

"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons! I got to take him down," Spider-Man says.

Does Peter know about this? These bad guys with weapons? Or the guy with wings?

"Your call has been disconnected" A females voice speaks. 

I attempt to make my way off the playground without being caught but knowing my luck I miss a step and I fall onto my butt. I look back behind me to see if Spider-Man was still there and he was. I guess my fall wasn't that loud. I make it to the sidewalk without getting caught and attempt to make my way back to the party but I fail. I'm lost. 

I see Spider-Man walking across the street with what looks to be his mask in hand.

"Hey!" I call out. Spider-Man freezes in his spot and quickly pulls on his mask, "Can you help me?"

"Yeah," he says, walking towards me.

"I'm lost," I say, looking around.  

"Is this like three days in a row now? This must be a record or something!," He says, chuckling.  

"Yeah...I should really learn my way around," I say. 

"Then what would you need me for?" He says, jokingly, "Home?" 

"Yes please! I'm exhausted!" I say. 

"Hold on," He says, wrapping his arm around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and we are lifted off the ground flying through the air. I keep my eyes closed until I feel my feet touching the ground. I look around expecting to be on my fire escape but instead we are in front of someone's house. 

"Just a second," He says, releasing his arm from around me and walking towards something that's glowing purple. He picks it up and walks back to me. 

Don't ask! He's a superhero, collecting weird glowing mystical looking things seems apart of the job...

He gets me home in no time, and I don't bother changing, throwing myself on my bed and I'm out like a light. 


Science class just started and the teacher begins announcing that we are doing an experimental lab today. We switch rooms and I begin working on my lab when I hear weird noises coming from the back of the room. I turn to see where the noise is coming from and there behind me is Peter and Ned. Desperate to know what they are doing, I quietly sneak over towards them. I tap them both on the shoulder and they both turn very fast around, blocking whatever they're doing. 

"Hey Ashley," Ned says, a giant smile on his face.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask, attempting to get a peek around them.

"Nothing," They both say.

"That's creepy," I say.  

The bell rings and follows with my name being called over the PA system. I give the boys a confused look before walking towards the office. I wasn't expecting to see Tony Stark standing in the middle of the office, but there he was. My Dad. 

The Girl Next Door (Slowly Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora