Chapter 29: Why Does he have to be so damn stubborn?

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I watched as Brad finally reacted instead of singing and crying. Brad hit his nose against Tristan's shoulder and he started gushing blood. His lip was even cut. It was pure torture watching it and the paramedics helping him. His blood was all over me. I think his nose is broken. Tris' shoulder was hurt as well. Brad really hit him hard.

Kat didn't separate from Tris. She helped him with everything. Their clothes had Brad blood all on it. Tristan's shoulder had to get wrapped in a thin layer of bandages and his shoulder had to get iced. Tris was in pain. He also had some pain killers so he can play drums with no pain.

The stage had to get mopped from Brad's bloody nose. This is the second time this has happened I've been told. But the band has had many accidents. Apparently, they're 'very clumsy'.

Before I met Brad, Connor fell off stage at a concert in Germany. He's also gotten hit by his guitar at a concert in Poland. He hurt his eye but he recovered. Demi was with him that day. It happened three years ago. I wasn't at the concert because I was at Tallia and Toni's graduation.

Brad hit his nose, for the first time, against James' shoulder and still tried to sing. He refused to go for medical attention and continued with the concert in Hyde Park. Stubborn. And it's twice that's happened. Clueless. People's shoulder. The second time Brad got injured onstage was at a concert in LA because he hurt himself by slipping onto the hard floor. I was at that concert too.

At a concert in France, James hit his head with the mic and head of his guitar. He had two bumps on his head and had a few cuts. It was pretty funny. I couldn't stop laughing which is very cynical of me because he's a friend of mine but the whole incident was funny.

And Tris has had two recent ones. He accidentally hit his face with a drumstick at a concert in NYC. That was before I met him. The second happened in a cover actually. He wasn't drumming but singing. He tripped over the mic's cord. I was in the other room until I heart a bunch of noises. I was about to go over but Brad texting me a picture of the incident. He crashed on the United Kingdom flag that was hanging on the wall. The message said "Tris wanted to be with his love, UK. 😍 🇬🇧" Now this is the third one.

I want to take Brad home aka, the bus. We can reschedule the concert. It won't hurt our schedule.

"Brad, let's go home." I said, grabbing his hand.

"No. I've got to finish the concert." He pulled away and struggled to get up.

"Are you nuts?" I pushed him down.

"Ma'am, your husband's nose is broken." The paramedic said. "You should take him to a hospital for medical attention."

"And I will. Come on Brad, before it gets worse."

"I've got to finish the concert. I'm not going to let my fans down." He said, getting up. He had a green shirt above his white shirt, which was full of blood and he planned going out like that.

"Brad, your nose is broken! You're full of blood! You're a mess."

"I don't care. I'm going to finish the concert, even if it's the last thing I do." He ran back out with me running after him. Tris ran out to help get him.

James and Connor were telling them their plans for the next stop to entertain them. Brad grabbed the mic and joined them. I heard Tris whisper something to Brad but all I heard was "no".

"Hello London. I'm back. I'm gonna stay and finish what I started." He said. I was still onstage. I looked at him and my eyes told him I was going to beat his ass if something happens to him onstage. His eyes replied that he was fine. Psst, fine? He's a mess.

He sang another song and I saw his eyes were lighter than chestnut. Like hazel. His balance was bad. He must've lost a lot of blood. I look at my phone for one second and I hear fans screaming. I look back at Brad and he's on the ground again, bleeding. I run onstage along with the paramedics. Demi and Liberty run up as well. Katrina and Miranda stayed in their seat because of their situation. I touch his head and he's unconscious.

Ugh Bradley! Why do you have to be so damn stubborn? I told you with my eyes that if anything happens to you onstage, I was going to beat your ass and you had the decency to reply you were fine. You are getting a good slap in the face or a nice kick in the ass when you get better.

I grabbed the mic as they were taking him.

"I'm so sorry London. We owe you another concert when Brad recovers. Wish him the best of wishes!" I said. I ran after the paramedics.

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