Chapter 13: I'm Giving In

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I sat in my cell, rejecting to eat and socialize with anyone else. A women, at least 30 years old came in. She was descriptively skinny. But she was at least five seven.

"Hello." She sat beside me on my cot. "I'm Morgana Halley." She had a British accent.

"Hello. I'm Tammy."

"Tammy? Like Tammy, the lead singer from Fathoming Stars?"

"That's me."

"What is a lady like you doing here?"

"I assaulted someone. Gonna be here for six months."

"Why didn't Bradley bail you out?"

"I don't even want to know from him. I'm divorcing him."


"He was making out with a skinny, horny slut."


"I know. What are you doing here, Morgana?"

"I have an eating disorder. I can only eat bits and pieces of food without getting sick. One day, I was drinking a small drink at a bar, and I don't know what else happened. I just woke up on the commissary. Apparently, I was so drunk, I stabbed someone with a broken bottle and on top of that, made them wear whatever I ate."

"How many years?"


"How long have you been in here?"

"Seven years."

"Oh my."

"Six months will change you, Tammy. I suggest you are careful on who you mess with and who you hang out with. Stay near a guard. Don't reply or fight back with anyone. Be careful."

"I will."

"Would you like a book or something to read?"

"Yes! Do you have anything on the Holocaust?"


"Yes. I love reading about it."

"Um... yeah. I'll go talk to the book keeper now."


"Scaletta-Simpson, you have a visit from your lawyer." I got up and followed the female guard. There in a chair, a little uneasy, sat Julie. She was wearing an aqua colored skirt, a pale green blouse, and a straw sun hat with a green flower on the side.

"I have news Tammy. You are now divorced."


"Yes. I went there today, and he was in desolation. I said you wanted the divorce and he first replied no. Then I told him, it's the best thing to do and it's time to let her go. He started crying. 'Was she crying?' He asked. I said no. You were ready and you didn't need any convincing to stop. He started crying even worse. 'I'll give her what she wants.' He cried. He signed it and removed his ring, clutching it. And you know how you gave me all the jewelry you wore, from Bradley? I gave it to him. He gave it to Tatiana, who was poisoned right beside him. He literally ran upstairs. Tallia was thrown on the couch like a rag doll. She sent you this."

I picked up the letter and read Tallia's glossy writing.

"To my dearest sister, Tammy,

What trouble have you gotten yourself in? Tammy, such a scandal! All I see on TV now is your face and you kicking that slut. I swear, when I saw Julie, enter the house saying, 'I'm here for my defendant, Tammy Scaletta-Simpson, on behalf of he divorce. The divorce Tammy Scaletta-Simpson declares against Mr. Bradley Will Simpson.' Bradley almost fainted. I looked at Brenda. She started crying. And I saw you wanted two of the kids. Bradley couldn't choose so I chose for him. He is going to have custody of Brandon and Tatiana, the twins are yours. Tammy, when you come out of jail, where will you go? Will you go back home? Or will you stay with a friend? Or will you continue with you path on a successful career? I hope when you come out, you make the right decisions. I believe in you.

Loving you no matter what,

Tallia Angela Scaletta-Cortes xoxoxo"

Tallia's letter made me begin to cry. She was right. But I can't figure out how to respond to this.

"Thanks Julie. I'll see you soon." I gave her a hug.

I've got to admit, I was kind of upset that Brad didn't put up a fight. I guess he finally knows what's right for me. That is what warmed my heart. I'm no longer married. I walked back to my cell. Morgana was there.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I had a visit from my lawyer."

"Oh. Here is a book. The only one the book keeper could find was Number the Stars by Lois Lowry."

"Oh my! I love that book! Only thing is I can read that book in a few hours."

"They also had the Diary of Anne Frank."

"I'll have to read that too. Thanks so much Morgana."

"You're welcome. I'm hoping we can be good friends."

"Yeah. Are you married?"

"No. I had a boyfriend. I dumped him."

"Well, us single ladies gonna party like there's no tomorrow because we don't have dick heads of lovers to rule us or assholes to dictate us!"

"Woohoo!" We gave each other a hug. "Would you like a beer? You know to celebrate?"

"Yes! I could use some alcohol."

"Scaletta-Simpson! You have another visitor!" The women from earlier yelled.

"Hold on the beers for a moment."

I followed the officer. I not only saw one visitor, but two. James and Miranda. "Hello." Was my only word. I sat a the table.

"Tammy!" Miranda got up and hugged me. I've only been here for a day and everyone is in pain still. Wow, I'm special! "Please let me bail you out!"

"No thank you."

"I heard you and Brad are divorced." James said.

"Yup. I am single!"

"He won't even get up and move. The twins are with your father!"

"Oh, I forgot I got about the twins."

"Tallia stayed with Bradley."

"So I keep hearing."

"What James means is you have to make a decision." Miranda said.

"I did."

"I hope you will."

"Yes." James agreed.

"Anyway, Miranda, give this letter to Tallia." I had written Tallia a short letter.

"I will."

"Miranda, thanks."

"Thanks? For what?"

"For being a good friend."

"Oh. You're welcome."

"And James, take care of Miranda. And Jamie."

"I promise! I love Miranda." He assured me.

"Ok. I want to go. Morgana, my cell mate, and I are going to have a happy hour."

"You guys are going to drink?" Miranda asked, worryingly.

"Just a few beers. Don't worry."

"It just better be." I got up and hugged Miranda and James.

"Thanks for visiting." I said. Right when I was about to go to the guard to take me back to my cell, an unexpected face appeared and grabbed my wrist. Brad.

Tonight (Sequel to All I Want to be is Somebody to You (A Brad Simpson Fanfic))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu