Chapter 4: Off to a Bad Start

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I sat beside Brad and did nothing. He was in and out of his phone and then in his book writing down things. I couldn't see what he was writing and why he had discretion from me. I am his wife, I won't and will never judge him.

Soon we got to Paris and there were fans chasing the bus. I was about to freak because I don't like getting followed. Brad and Tris did goofy expressions and were yelling things out the window. Why can he be that goofy and loving to me?

He was loving with me yesterday and this past year. Now he ignores me. What did I do to him?

I was thinking logical reasons why he would be mad at me but none of them made sense or can't happen. I love you Brad!

I sat down and went on my phone. I had three texts from Liberty.

Hey Tammy! I'm gonna be in France!

Hey Tammy! Guess What?! I'm already in Paris. It's lovely.

Tammy! Later, you're gonna get to meet my BF and fiancé. He's a charm. He's got a twin sister.

I erased the texts. I didn't know she was a model. I didn't she left Ricardo and met Joey. Most of this didn't make sense.

We got to the hotel, along with 8 burly guards. The moment Brad and I entered our suite, I tried to seduce him so we can kiss.

"Brad, I love you." I whispered in his ear. He pulled away and walked to the patio.

"We have sound check in two hours. I suggest you get ready and rehearse with Katrina."

"Brad, what do you have against me now?!"

"What I have against you is you're being childish."

"May I remind you that before England I was mature until you peer pressured me into me! A Bradley Simpson addict."

"Listen, now is not the time for bickering."

"You've rejected me, slapped me, ignored me. Brad, where are we going with this?" He looked at me and then turned away. "What did I do? Is loving you bad? Cos all I ever do is love you, comprehend you, care for you. But Brad, you don't even respond to me. I'm really sorry about your hand." His face was red. Tears were falling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Tammy."


"I'm an idiot aren't I?"

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am! Only I can rectify my mistakes. But I can't!"

"Little by little, love. Don't overwhelm yourself."

"How can I not overwhelm myself? Tammy, I have a family. I have a wife. I have twins. I have a band. I have a tour. My plate is already full."

"Brad, let me understand you."

"Tammy, you don't know what I go through. You wouldn't last a day in my world."

"Brad, yes I would. I can endure."

"Tammy, come here." I sat beside him. He buried his head in my chest. I felt his tears wetting my blouse. I lifted his head up so I was looking straight in his chestnut orbs. I smiled and began to lean in. He moved fast and pressed his lips on mine. He was still in tears but I just closed my eyes to devour the moment. "I love you."

"I love you too Brad. I will always love you."

"Our little cryptic promise."


"Yeah." He rubbed his nose with mine. But the door slammed open.

"Tammy!" the voice cried. I looked over and saw Miranda. I arose to comfort my friend. "James left me!"

"Where is he?" Brad asked.

"In our suite with Liu."

"Alright. I'm going with him." With that said, Brad left.

"He left me!" Miranda cried again.


"He told me so many things. I didn't understand. It's like he was told some dirty gossip about me."

"What do you mean, Miran?"


"What do you mean that he was saying stuff you didn't understand? Like explain it."

"James was saying that this guy, I forgot his name, was right about me. I'm a traitor. Who is my lover? That I abuse cats. For me this was a bunch of bullshit. I've never done anything like that. I love cats. Especially Liu and Mickey."

"Whoa. I think I know who told James everything. Barren Goldein? Does that ring a bell?"

"Yes! That's who James said! Who is he?"

"Well, his real name is Alexander Crokket. But his pen name is Barren Goldein."

"Whoa. How do you know him?"

"I don't. I've heard about him. He is big in England. He posts his stories on a website."

"Let's go on it."

"Ok. Lets go."

We took out my laptop going to Goldein's website. There was an article all about Miranda. Our mouths dropped open.

"Miranda Lancaster is a girl who faked her death. She acts everything out and then looks for refuge in her friend, Tammy Simpson, whose dreams all came true and is rich. She envies her twin, Joey, who is marrying a British model and is already an important CEO of a company. She abuses cats." It's shows a picture of a Miranda look-alike with a cane, whipping the cat. "She also goes guy from guy to seduce them and get in their bed to have sex with them. She is cheating on her boyfriend, James McVey, who is in the band called, The Vamps. She is someone you should look out for." There was a real picture of Miranda with me, faintly, in the background.

"What the hell?!" Miranda got up and shut the computer. "Ugh!"

"Miranda, calm down. I'm going to see James. I'll talk to him."

"I love James. Can't you see it in my eyes?" She was crying again.

"I can see it. I'll be right back." I gave her a hug and bumped into Brad in the outer corridor.

"He is broken. Be careful." Brad warned. I nodded and walked to his room. The door was open. James was on the floor, holding Liu, he was stroking his long fur. I knocked on the door.

"James?" He looked at me. I've never seen him cry. He looked so vulnerable. He had a few cuts on his arm, cuts that he made himself. This is mutilating him. "James, can we talk?"

"Of course." He wiped his tears.

"What happened?"

"What do you want to know?"

"How you obtained this information."

Tonight (Sequel to All I Want to be is Somebody to You (A Brad Simpson Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now