Chapter 27: Decision I

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After the concert, I went with Miranda to a cafe with Jamie. I decided to tell her about Liberty's message.

"Miranda, I got a message from Liberty. She seems really guilty about what happened between us and is really sorry. She also just found out that he's my ex and your twin brother. What do you think I should do? Should I text her like she asked? Or ignore the message?"

"Liberty? Liberty Vargas? Oh my!"

"Yeah. Come on Miranda, give me advice!!!"

"Okay. Do you miss Liberty as a friend?"

"She misses our friendship..."

"No, that's not what I am asking. I am asking of you, as in Tammy Natalia Scaletta-Simpson. What do you want to do?"

"I do miss Liberty. She really was a good friend while it lasted. But I'm confused."

"Then talk to her. If you fixed you horrible difference with Bradley Simpson. Then you can do so with Liberty Vargas."

"So, a mediation like I did with Brad?"

"Not like the one with Brad. I should go with you though. Demi and Kat too."

"She'd love that."

"Sometime we have to stick together like glue."

"Yeah. Besties stay together. And besides... she's your sister in law."

"Don't remind me. Right now, the last thing I want to hear is about Joey Lancaster's stupid actions. Right now, he's dead to me."

"Lol. I have to go. Next concert is in London."

"Yeah. Come on Jamie."

We got to the bus and we saw that all the boys were asleep. Demi was there with baby Ball, who haven't learned his name. I sat beside Demi.

"What's his name, Demi?"

"His name is Samuel." She smiled. "Hold him for a minute, I need to go get Connor." I picked him up, he was light. I think I remember Demi said he weighs 6.4lbs. After all, he did come three weeks early.

Demi came back with Connor, who was close to falling and was drossy. Demi looked like she was going to fall. She was suppose to leave the hospital two days from now but because of the tour, she had to be discharged.

I got up and went to Brad's seat. He was sleeping very adorably. A bunch of his bracelets were on the floor from his dangling hand. I picked them up and slipped them on my arm, they were very loose. I got on his lap and put my fingers near his nose. He started to sneeze and fell to the floor as the bus drove off.

"Good night, sleepyhead." I said. He turned his head towards me and the bus stopped. Brenda stepped in with Dean and Joe. She sat with them up front and stayed quiet. Brenda is never quiet. She's perky and talkative.

I fell asleep beside Brad with my head on his shoulder and his hand on my head. He kissed me goodnight and I went off like a light.


The bus braked hard and I fell into Brad, crushing him. I looked at his face and he was laughing.

"Shut up, Simpson!" I yelled. Katie walked over and handed me my cell phone.

"It fell when it braked." She said.

"Thanks Katie." I kissed her head. She ran over to Tris. I saw a sign that said London. Tallia got up, she was already dressed.

"Sis, I'm going to work and after work, Austin is picking me up to take me back to Birmingham. I'll call you later." We exchanged hugs and she started walking. I got out of the bus and walked into the Starbucks around the corner.

I walked in and I turned pale at once. Liberty was there. She was nicely dressed. Her hair was in a ponytail with a few strands sticking out. She was sipping her coffee. I tried walking out but she saw me.

"Tammy!" She got up and rushed towards me. But Brad saved me by taking me away from her. She sat back down and her eyes were watery.

I have a decision to make. Either go talk to Liberty or forget her...

Tonight (Sequel to All I Want to be is Somebody to You (A Brad Simpson Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now