Chapter 19: For You

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The bus braked hard, making me fall out of my seat and hit the table before me, waking me from my slumber. I jumped back to my seat and saw Miranda and James were still asleep. I searched around. Toby and Jamie were sound asleep behind me. Katie and Matthew were asleep in their seats. Katrina and Tris were awake. Demi was awake but Connor was asleep. Brad was asleep and Arabella had her head on Brad. Wait! Head on Brad?! Oh, she makes me want to do what I did to that piece if white shit almost three months ago.

I got up, dodging Miranda and James, and made my way to the front. We had stopped and we were at our first destination, Sheffield. I solemnly walked to the back where my Toby was asleep. I tapped his shoulder and his eyes carefully opened.

"Toby, we are here. Wanna go get something to eat?" I whispered. He nodded and walked to the bathroom. He came out with another set of clothes. We walked out and scampered to a Starbucks. I grabbed a black coffee to wake me up properly and Toby grabbed a hot chocolate.

We sat outside and drank our drinks. He was quiet. I watched how he made his faces when the hot chocolate hit his mouth and burned his tongue. Same face I made when I was his age. I began to laugh.

"What's so funny, mom?"

"You make the same face I did when I'd burn my tongue." I laughed.

"Really mom?"

"Yeah, Toby." He dropped his drink when he saw Brad, Brenda, and Arabella make the scene. Toby got up and picked up my coffee. I looked at him and he threw it at Arabella and Brad. I covered my mouth.

"Ow!" They screamed. Brenda ran over to Toby and slapped him.

"Oh Brenda. You're so damn stubborn! Dad is cheating on mom with that asshole!" Toby yelled. He never curses. Or never cursed before.

"That's not how I raised my son!" Brad yelled.

"You are far from my father! I only have one paternal figure and that's that lady over there!" He pointed to me. "My real father is dead!" He yelled. My face turned bright red. Brad began to cry. Toby turned to Brenda. "And you, butt kisser, stop playing mom. I am ashamed to call you my twin and sister. Mom has worked too hard to get hurt like this. By you" he pointed to Brenda, "and you." He pointed to Brad. "And Arabella" she looked at me, looking for mercy. "Go to hell." Her face was dark red by now. I grabbed Toby's hand and he sat on my lap. He buried his wet face in my shoulder. Brad got up and took off his white shirt. He had a big burn. He helped Arabella up and walked towards Brenda, who was crying. She looked like a lost cub, looking for their pack.

Brad walked into the Starbucks with his followers.

"Toby, I am so proud of you." I whispered. He lifted his head up.



"You didn't deserve what happened, mom. You deserve better."

I smiled. "But did you really mean about what you said about Brenda and your father?"

"Yes mom."

"I love you, Toby." I hugged him, harder. "Thank you."

"Anything for you." Brad walked out with his coffee and walked towards me. He was alone. "Stay away from her, Brad!" Toby said. He pushed Toby aside and grabbed my wrist, causing me to fall from my seat.

"Leave her alone, Brad!" I heard a familiar voice: Katrina. She ran over here, barefoot, holding her heels. "Get off her! You are the one cheating on her! Hurting her! Look at poor Toby! He defended her! Just get away from her and let her go!" He dropped my wrist and walked away, but not too far because he fell onto the pavement of the parking lot. Katrina and Toby helped me up while Arabella and Brenda helped Brad up. I got up and hugged Katrina.

"Thank you." I whispered. Toby hugged me. I walked back to the bus where I saw James and Miranda in shock.

"We were gonna go get a coffee but we saw everything that happened. When we saw Brad grab your wrist, we wanted to go help both Kat sprung into action before us. Are you alright?" Miranda asked.

"Mom is fine. I defended her from that man and his followers. She's only hurt mentally." Toby said.

"Toby defended you really well, Tam. Good job, Toby." James said.

"Anything for my mom." He smiled.

The guys sat in the front. I sat with James. Miranda and the other girls and Toby sat in the back.

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