Willow leaned against the stone wall and listened for footfalls. When she heard none, she began to run around the building. She reached the side of the building before someone called out to her.

"You girl! Where do you think your going?!" She turned her head and saw a guard with a hand gun pointed at her.

"Just looking for something I lost here. I passed by here before heading home and I must've dropped something here." Willow smiled before searching around.

"Oh. Okay. Keep searching. I hope you find it." The guard smiled at her.

"Okay. Thanks." She began walking around the corner. The guard then wrapped an arm around her neck.

"Did you think I'd let you go so easily? Thief!" The guard shouted in her ear.

"Nope. I knew you wouldn't." Willow smiled before flipping the guard onto the ground. "I'm sorry, but I really need to get inside." Willow narrowed her eyes.

"And how are you supposed to do that? I could shoot you right here, right n- Hey! Where's my gun?!" The guard began to frantically look around.

"Nice gun. Where'd you get it? Wait... handmade? Nice." Willow flipped the gun over in her hands.

"Give that back!" The guard began to stand. Willow then brought the gun and pointed it at the guards head.

"No need to shout, geez! I still hear your voice ringing in my ear. Your annoying. You know that right? I guess you don't. You know, you won't get anywhere without thinking before you act. I honestly think you need to find a new job." Willow stared the guard in the eyes. Willow moved as a bullet flew past her face. "Whoops. I guess I was too busy watching you cower in fear to see that bullet." Willow pulled out her small gun from her bra and pointed it at the man who almost shot her. "I don't want to hurt you guys, but if I have to, then I will. Get me inside. Please and thank you."

"Do you even know how to shoot a gun, little girl?" The man who almost shot her let out a laugh.

"Sure I do. Do you want to be a target for me?" Willow looked over at the man.

"Sure. Your just all bark and no bite." The man laughed harder. As he threw his head back, a bullet flew by his cheek and he froze.

"God! You guys are annoying! All men from this world are annoying. In their own way." Willow sighed. "I guess I'll have to find my own way in." Willow began looking up at the sky. The guard moved and Willow kicked him in the groin. The man fell to the ground and groaned. "Whoops sorry. Thought you were gonna attack me."

"Who are you?" The man asked as Willow walked towards him.

"Someone you don't want to mess with. Do you want to show me a way in?" Willow asked.

"I will! But you won't be able to get the necklace. You won't get passed the goddess's protectors." The man led Willow inside.

"Sure I will. It shouldn't be too hard." Willow looked through the halls.

"It will. I've tried myself." The man let out a sigh. He didn't like the way she was speaking to him.

"And I see you have failed?" Willow tilted her head. The man turned and looked at her clothing. He stared at the cuts and fresh-looking blood stains.

"How did you get that?"

"Worried about me? I got it on the way here. I was attacked by... how you would say... a snake demon. It was amazing. They healed already." Willow patted the cut in her clothing. "Well, through this door, I presume?" Willow stepped towards the door and outlined its design.

"Yeah. Through this door."

"Alright. See ya. Unless you want to see if I make it out alive." Willow pushed the door opened and walked inside, making Sure the door closed behind her. The man instantly leaned against the door to hear anything noise inside.

Willow walked down the steps that led her to an empty and large hall. The walls looked like it was made of ice.

"Who are you?" A voice echoed the hall and Willow looked forward.

"Someone that needs the necklace from the goddess who lived here." Willow watched what looked like two men appear before her. The one on the left laughed.

"Look. It's a little girl. Does she need us to heal her?" The one on the left crosses his arms as he laughed.

"Now. Now. No need to make jokes. She's hurt. You can see the blood stains and cuts in her clothing. She's injured. And making jokes about a lady is unforgivable. Do you need us to heal your cuts miss?" The man on the right observed Willow.

"No need." Willow took off her cotton sweater to show them the healed cuts.

"Alright. Then may I ask why your here?"

"Didn't I answer that already? I'm here to obtain the goddess of Dumor's necklace. I need it to call the god of my land." Willow held her head high.

"Don't make me laugh harder!" The guy on the left continued to laugh.

"It's rude to laugh like that in front of a lady." The man on the right sighed. "I'm sorry. You must excuse him."

"Why do you treat her like she's a high class woman?" The man on the left sighs.

"Because she is a messenger from the heavens. She will stop the earth from shaking much like so." After those words left his mouth, the floor began to shake.

"Wonderful timing." The one on the left let out another sigh. Willow began to lose her balance and jumped back before she fell. Once the shaking stopped, the one on the left spoke. "Prove to us that you are a Priestess from your land."

"Sure. What do you want me to do?" Willow asked.

"Break free from the ice." The right one said.


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