Happy Birthday Lightweight

Start from the beginning

Finally he found them, laying on a blanket, giggling and pointing at stars.

Shaking his head, he walked over to them, "Someone call for a ride?" he asked as he came to stand beside him.

"Oh great, Chandler's here," Lizzie slurred and Chandler rolled his eyes, "Want a drink Chandler?" she asked.

"No, I'm here to take you drunks home," Chandler said and helped Katelyn to her feet.

"Chandler you're so sexy," she giggled and turned towards the other girls, "Isn't he sexy?"

Imani and Vivian giggled and Lizzie gagged, "I've seen way better," she said as she walked towards Chandler's car.

"Just get in the car Lizzie," Chandler said as he guided a giggling Katelyn towards the car.

"How much did you have?" he asked her.

"Like two Palm Bays and a couple sips of a Smirnoff Ice," she giggled as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"You're such a lightweight," he teased and then laughed when she tried to slap him and missed him by a mile.

"Buckle up champ, it's time to go home," Chandler said.


"My Milkshake brings all the boys to yard and their like it's better than yours, damn right it better than yours, I could teach you but I'd have to charge, damn right its better than yours," The girls sang loudly, giggling.

Chandler groaned. The girls had been singing for the past twenty minutes and Chandler was getting to the point where he was going to drive the car into a ditch.

"I want a milkshake," Vivian said.

"Oh me too," Katelyn said and pointed out the window, "Chandler pull in to that McDonalds, I need a milkshake," she said.

"I need fry's," Lizzie said.

"I want some McNuggets," Imani laughed.

"It's ten thirty," Chandler said.

"Please baby?" Katelyn asked in a cute voice.

Chandler groaned but reluctantly pulled into the parking and drove up the speaker.

"Quiet, I can't hear the guy," Chandler said to the girls who had started to sing again, he turned back towards the window, "Sorry what was that?"

"Welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you?"

"Can I get four cheeseburgers and four small fries and a ten piece nugget and four small chocolate shakes and a Big Mac meal with Coke?"

"Twenty-five, thirty please."

When they pulled up to the window, Lizzie stuck her head out the back window, "What time do you get off? I'm in the mood for a fast food worker," she slurred and Chandler all but crashed the car.

"I'm sorry, she's drunk," he said as he paid for the food and thanked the guy in the window before driving off.


"Are we going on an adventure?" Katelyn asked as he helped her up the stairs to his bedroom.

After dropping the other girls off at Lizzies, Chandler had decided it would be easy for him and Katelyn to spend the night as his place. It was closer than the apartment and he figured tomorrow morning when she'd be hungover , he'd have what she would need to help get through it.

"Yeah we're going on an adventure to dream land," Chandler said as he pulled her shoes off and helped her into bed.

"I had a great birthday," she said.

"I'm glad, Kate, you deserve it."

"Thank you for picking us up," she whispered.

"You're welcome."

"Thanks for taking us to McDonalds," she said softly.

"You're welcome," He chuckled as he changed into his pajamas.

"Thank you for breakfast in bed this morning and for lunch and for the bracelet and for just being you," she said and Chandler could her the tiredness in her voice.

"You're welcome baby, I'm glad you liked it and I'm glad you had a good birthday, you deserve it," he looked over at her and smirked when he saw that she was fast asleep.

"Happy Birthday Lightweight," he whispered and kissed her forehead.

Katelyn let out a content sigh and soon she and Chandler were fast asleep in each other's arms, happy and content. This was one birthday Katelyn would never forget, especially when she woke up with a killer hangover the next day. Thankfully Chandler was there to take care of her, but that is a story for another time.

Happy Birthday Katelyn Nacon!!

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