Chap. 17:

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"Are you alright?" Harry whispered as he and I did the dishes. It was enough for Anne and Gemma to have me in their household, it was the least I could do to help clean the place. Harry wanted to help me which surprised both women when he said so.

"Yeah, I'm just- I don't know" I sigh defeated.

"So... no date then?" he pondered, turning his head toward me; looking at me with hopeful eyes.My mind was totally focused on the everything that had happened this morning that I forgot why I was there to start with. 

"Tonight, correct?" I smile at him, he grins back and nods. Well at least there's one good thing that'll happen tonight.


I stare at what I'm wearing, it wasn't that dressy... I hope. I wore a blue penshoppe long sleeve, tucked in a black skirt with a dark colored blazer over and my converse.. I bit my lip and got my sling bag, shoving my phone and wallet inside it. My hair was in a fishtail braid lying on top of my left shoulder . I exhale and start walkingdownstairs, receiving a couple of compliments from the two women but I couldn't think because I was nervous. This would've been the first official date I've ever had and especially with Harry. 

Harry told me to meet him outside, I hugged the blazer closer to my body and walked outside. Maybe I should have just worn jeans? It is pretty cold tonight... I bit my lip and was about to turn around when he grabs my hand. I turn back around, "Where are you going?" 

"I was about to change into jeans-"

"You look beautiful, love. No need to change into jeans" he says, a wide grin on his face as he eyes me. I grin back, the funny feeling in my chest is there again and I just can't stop feeling. As self-conscious as I am, I want to enjoy this night- Even if I don't know where we're going.

"Where are we going?" I ask, he opens the car door for me and climb in. He closes the door, jogs to the other side and climbs in beside me.

"You're going to love it" he winks, I roll my eyes as we pull off the driveway and start going.

"I've never heard of a place called 'you're going to love it' before, are we travelling to germany? France maybe?" I say sarcastically, he laughs, making me laugh as well.

"Is Ireland okay with you?" he plays along, I smile. I bet whoever would hear us right now would think we were actually serious or actually weird.

"I'd love to drink more beer and-" I attempt to imitate an Irish accent like Niall but burst out laughing when I sound horrible at it. He chuckles along with me, his eyes still on the road.

"You'll need to ask Niall for help, you're horrible at accents" I gasp, laughing; "That is not what you say on a date, you idiot!" I chuckle.

He shrugs and we continue talking, but a couple of minutes on it and we start talking about what we like and our thoughts on things. I check the time, it's pretty late and my eyes feel a little droopy. I shouldn't sleep yet?! This is a date I'm going to, I can't fall asleep. 

"Are you sleepy? It's alright, it's a pretty long drive" Harry says with sympathy. I clear my throat and shake my head, "I'm not sleepy"

He glances at me then back on the road, his hand reaches out to my side and holds my right hand. "Open the drawer thing in front of you and pick out a cd you want to play, then take a nap" he instructs. 

I hesitate of course but do as I'm told, inside the 'drawer thing' was cd bundle filled with albums and singles, he burned some of the cds but one caught my eye though. I slide it out of its case and open his player. Its slides back in and a familiar voice plays around the car. I smile at Harry's voice as he sighs exasperatedly, "That was a bad idea" he shakes his head, not bothering to hide his smile.

"You have an amazing voice, you should join the Talent Show-off " I suggest. His smile falters an inch but he smiles still, shaking his head.

"I'm not going to, I mean- I can't" he stumbles on his words. I frown, "Why not?"

His smile is gone now as he looks back at me then at the road, "Y-You don't remember?" he stutters. What? The road is dark but I could see a bright orange glow from my side, Harry stops abruptly and his smile is back.

"We're here"

I look to my side where the bright orange glow is and I could see very faintly... candles?? I don't get it but I smile back at him before he gets off the car and opens the door for me. As if I could have a say in it anyways.

"I know it's not a fancy dinner of a movie but I combined those two into something... better" he smirks lightly and I become giddy. The fresh night air swept against my already cold legs, thank you very much.

"Did you know that strong wind is called Gale?" I hiss, I should've at least worn stockings or leggings. Damn Lucy...

"Gale is harassing my right now" I joke and he laughs shaking his head, leading me to a pile of blankets and pillows where there were candles at the background, lighting up a white tarp in front of the blankets. Like a cinema.

"Even after spending time with me and the lads, you're still a stuck-up nerd" he teases, or atleast I hope he is.

"Who're you calling a stuck-up nerd?" I poke my tongue out, I look around. This is the best place for a virgin sacrfice like in Jennifer's body... or a murder/rape/murder scene. But I squint with the moon's light and see a familiar lake with a shed, just like Harry's a little more than across from where we were...

"A-are we near your sanctuary shed?" I gape, last time I checked- the trip to there was mere walks and a couple of minutes not freaking nap time.

"Ah, you caught me. I drove anround in circles just so I could talk to you and because I knew you'd be cold" he grins, I sit on his heap of pillows and notice there is only one blanket. I give him a look, of course..

"You cheeky twat, you wanted me to get cold so I'd cuddle up to you" I accuse him, though the idea makes me grin a little more than I should.. scratch that, I feel like the Cheshire cat.

He holds his hands up in mock surrender, "I didn't say anything but whatever floats your boat" he winks. I laugh and use the blanket to cover me up while he play withe projector at our back. How did no one steal these things?

"Hey Harry, we've been on the road for hours, Don't you think it's odd that none of your things are stolen?" I ask him, turning around. 

"Actually, the lads have been here to check up on things while going to the shed, so.." he trails off. I nod a movie starts.

"You absolutely hate The Notebook and I have no idea why but I think you'll like this" he grins as he removes his shoes and getting in the blanket with me. I narrow my eyes at him, how he knew I hated the Notebook was understandable since Gemma would invite me to watch movies with her and I'd always try to refuse. I guess he noticed how much I rolled my eyes at it. Hmm..

"YOu know what I noticed? YOu absolutely hate sappy movies" he says when I don't respond, I shrug.

"NOt my type, but what movie did you put in?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing... just- Horror movies" he shrugs.


He grins with a wink, so much for total romantic date.

"I'm kidding, we're watching Star Wars" he chuckles and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank the Jabba"

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