Chap. 11:

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The ride to Harry's flat was quiet, it was a bit tense for me and I mentally thank Harry for not trying to talk to me on our way. Once the car, is parked, I sit still; To be honest, I don't think I want to leave the car right now. What was I thinking? Harry's mom and sister is here, and what would they think of me? a freeloader maybe, a user maybe. Oh wait- that's what I am

I'm only snapped out of my trance when the door beside me opens, Harry stood there with a concerned look on his face. 

"Hey, stop crying, alright?" he frowns as he leans over to me and uses his thumb to swipe my cheeks. I was crying? I must have been really dazed not to notice that. I sniffed and wiped my own wet cheeks, "I'm not crying" I huff as I get down from the car.

He sighs and shakes his head before leading me to the familiar door of his home, I shouldn't be mean to him, I mean- he is helping me right? He's being kind to me and well... he's all I've got.

"I'm sorry" I apologize as we enter the living room. He turns around to face me with a frown, "What for?"

"For being mean to you, for having me in your house, for giving you all this trouble" I ramble, the guilt I haven't felt in a while starts swelling up inside of me as I said it aloud.

He shook his head again, "Don't be. I'm sorry for what happened back there, I understand if you're feeling bad and stuff" he grins and I smile back slightly. The TV is on and there are two women on the couch, I remember the other one is Harry's mom and the other... Gemma I think? Yeah, Gemma.

"I'm- We're home" Harry announces. We're? Really, Harry?


"So... Harry talks about you a lot, is it true you're the valedictorian of your batch?" Gemma winks and I glance at Harry, a smirk making its way to my face.

"Actually, yeah" I take this as my chance to humiliate Harry- playfully that is.

"How much does he talk about me? I mean- I've only started talking to him properly this year" I shrug as I emphasize properly.

"Oh wow, really? My son started talking about you since Year 9" Anne smirks and I bow my head hiding a smile, probably a laugh as well.

"Well thank you for humiliating me while I'm in the room" Harry sarcastically says and I stifle a laugh. "but harry, we're not yet done" Gemma pouts and I giggle.

Can I have this family instead?

When dinner is done, Anne shows me to the guest room that was apparently locked, like Harry said. "Sorry the bed hasn't been done yet, we normally don't have guests this time of year" she apologizes and I smile, "It's alright"

We start fixing up the bed with new sheets and I settle by putting my bag on the chair at the side of a window. "I'm so sorry if I'm any trouble to you guys" I frown and sigh. She sits beside me on the edge of the bed and pats my back.

"You aren't, in fact- I want to thank you" she grins and I turn to her confused. "Harry changed ever since his second year in high school, he started getting in trouble and started getting really bad influences but he wasn't like that" she sighs and I wait for her to continue. This is incredibly interesting.

 "And then he started talking about you and he got into less trouble. He stopped smoking and drinking, said he will do anything to catch your eye" she smiles, the heat rises to my cheeks and I'm so sure that I'm tomato red.

"Why me?" I start asking, Does he have a crush on me?

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" she winked before telling me where the spare toothbrush is and leaving.

I sigh and change into my pajama's and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I'm done, I get back to my room only to see Harry on the side of my bed. "Yes, thank you for warming my bed before I get to bed, you can leave now" I joke making him laugh.

"Don't I get a Good Night kiss?" he asks as he stands up and I laugh grabbing a pillow. "Good Night, Harry" I dismiss with a smile before jumping on the bed, the spot was still warm from his body heat. 

"Good Night, love" he smiles. He's about to leave and close the door but I call him one last time.

"I knew you couldn't resist me" he huffs turning to sit at the edge of my bed.

"Thank you" I genuinely say, "Thanks for being here when nobody else was, thanks for helping me" I smile shyly, he on the other hand was grinning like madman.

"I will always be there for you, you should know that by now" he envelopes my hand in his. Great, my stomach feels weird and I bet it's those cliche 'i-have-butterflies-in-my-stomach moments.I muster a smile before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek, obviously taking him by surprise.

"There's your Good Night kiss" I smirk, I can already see the light pink forming on his cheeks.

We stared at each other for quite a long time... for me that is, until someone cleared their throat. I jumped slightly making Gemma laugh, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you that much" she shrugged making me grin.

"Well, I've done what I needed to do. Use protection" she called before leaving with a cackle. I was so surprised with what she said that I didn't notice Harry was laughing. "Soo..." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh my God" I facepalmed making harry laugh harder, What?

He settled down and finally bid a good night again, but once again, I stopped him from leaving. "Just tell me if you want to sleep beside me and I'll do it" he groans.

"Harry, do you have a crush on me?" I asked, I almost knew I knew the answer but he didn't hesitate to neglect it. "It's not that you're not hot enough, but I actually-"

"It's alright" I smile, Okay, so I'm disappointed, and quite hurt. But oh-well, this is Harry we're talking about.           

He opened his lips to say something but closed it again, "Good Night, for real this time, Okay?" he joked and I chuckled nodding. He muttered something under his breathe but before I could ask, he had already closed the door.

"Stupid Lucy, thinking Harry likes you? Pathetic girl" I curse under my breathe before fixing my pillows and laying down. "Stupid Lucy" I mutter one last time before drifting to sleep land. My Paradise, thank God tomorrow's a friday...


"Good Morning" Harry's voice surprises me. I remember the first time I heard his morning voice... yep- still so... hot.

"Good Morning" I smile, Friday. Damn. 

"I have a question though, when we met you, you slept here right?" Anne asks and I knew what was coming but nodded anyways.

"Where'd you sleep?" she asked with narrowed eyes, I gulp. I open my mouth to speak but Harry beat me to it, "She slept beside me, don't worry- we didn't do anything. She's not a slut and I would never take advantage of her"

Oops- hold on, let me pick my jaw up from the floor, it falls everytime someone does something unexpected. "Close your mouth,  you might catch flies" Harry smirks. Oh dear God, help this lad.

This is going to be a very, very long weekend.

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