Chapter 18:

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"I still watch Ben and Holly, though!" Harry admitted. I facepalmed, he couldn't be serious could he?

"To be fair though, I love Peppa Pig" I chuckled, Harry oinked just like the introduction of the kid show causing me burst out laughing because of the face he made with it.

He is such a dork, why is he even called the bad boy?

Oh right. I remember now. I stopped chuckling abruptly- That wasn't obvious at all!

"What's wrong?" Of course he noticed, I want to punch you right now. But how could I? After everything you've done for me...

I'm like one of those girls in the movies who I usually want to punch because of how naive and stupid they are but I will only say this once and just this once- If I say it again, everyone has the right to bi,tch slap me as hard as they can with a metal chair.

Harry Styles is not a bad boy. In fact, I'm falling for him.


I can already tell, she still loves Liam. Her eyes don't twinkle the same when she looks at Liam and when she looks at me, it's different. I'm different.

Bloody hell, what do I have to do?

Get a 4.0 GPA and everything? I should've done that years ago, maybe then Liam would have been in my place right now. Trying to get my girl, but no. Liam didn't take that chance, in fact- he gave it to me.

Which is pretty weird, but I guess he doesn't like her back?

Good then. She's mine. I've waited long enough, and I don't want to lose her now that she's right here in front of me.

After the movie, she fell asleep so I carried her and we start heading back to my shed when her phone starts ringing. I pull over to the side and look for her phone that ended up on the floor.

It's her sister calling.

If I answer it, it'll look like we had something going on.

If I dont then...

The phone call ended and that answered my problem. Seconds later, it started ringing again- I wait a few seconds but it gets louder the more I wait, and I didn't want to wake her up.

I get out of the car and answer the phone.


"Where is Lucy?" Very cordial, isn't she?

"She's asleep, do you want to leave a message?"

"You sound familiar, do I know you?" her nasally voice asks. Why can't she just answer the damn question?

"I'm sure you know me by Styles" I didn't mean to sound arrogant, but it was a fact. I'm pretty sure everyone knew my last name.

"Harry? Harry Styles? Wait- why do you have Lucy's phone? Why are you even with Lucy to start with?" she starts. I shouldn't have answered the phone.

"Do you want to leave a message?" I am getting very annoying now and i just want to end this call.

"Yes, actually- tell her that her boyfriend, Liam, is the father of my child. Toodles!" she doesn't wait for a reply before hanging up but I don't care.

Father of my child.

I cannot comprehend that. What. What did she just say?

That couldn't be remotely true. The idea is absurd and is nearly impossible. I don't even mind the fact that she thought Liam was Lucy's boyfriend because I know the truth which is why I'm not bothered by it.

But I don't know whether or not what her sister said was true, could it be?


A father.

How will Lucy take this?

Does Liam even know?

Jesus. Lucy was right, her family is f.ucked up.


A/N: Short chappie sorry but I wanted to end this chapter in a cliffhanger- semi. Yes.

Despite everything that has happened this year, I am not removing Zayn in any of my existing fan fictions, okay


If you ask why, then you should know that when I started writing, he was still there. When One Direction, started - he was there so he's not leaving spiritually.

NaughtyBoy can go suck a greasy dick seeing as he only has grease and no dick :)

I'm updating and I am literally 9 hours away from my finals. I;d rather update than review, I'm failing anyways

Watch out for updates! This books became extended bc of that plot twist tho so yeahh

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