Chap. 13:

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I'm woken up to the sound of loud voices, I sigh and was about to tell my mom and sister to shut up when I realize that they were all male voices. no- wait, familiar male voices. I process this though and remember that I fell asleep in Harry's 'sanctuary'. That must mean the lads are here, which means either of both things: One, school ended, or two, they skipped. I keep my eyes close since I'm way too tired but unable to fall asleep.

"Whoa, mate- what's she doing here?" I hear a voice asks and I know they've spotted me. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe a little respect and then they'll leave me alone. "She was tired, I'm sure you were there when she snapped" Harry's voice is calm, but a little restrained. I sigh and decide to try to open my eyes, but I can't.

Eavesdropping isn't my thing, well actually- it depends on the situation. "We understand, but could you transfer her to the bed?" Zayn says and I feel the initiative to stand, so I did. My eyes were still closed, I heard them yell which means I scared them, making me laugh. I force open my eyes and look at them and continue to laugh, they glare at me but Niall soon joins in my laughing session.

"Ballocks" I hear Louis say as I clear my throat and grin instead. To be honest, I'd love to stay with these guys if it meant temporary happiness.That's all I really need at the moment, happiness if not solutions. 

"To the bed I go then" I say after my laughter dies, I sigh contented as I hop on the two king-sized mattresses bunched up on the floor with a dozen pillows and blankets. They start a conversation but I'm too busy looking for my phone. I pat the back of my jeans to find it empty and move on to my bag, except- I don't know where my bag is. I yelp when someone throws something at me, my bag I mean. Zayn laughs at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

" 'Thank you, glorious and sexy Zayn for returning my bag' would be nice" he rolled his eyes like a girl, I chuckle shaking my head and look inside my bag, muttering a thank you.

My books and notebooks are drenched and, my pens seemed fine but my phone is nowhere to be seen. I frown and look up, maybe I dropped it on the way here, nor maybe I dropped it in school? I stand up, "Where's my phone?" I ask, the tone of panic set in already.

They look at each other and shrug, I look at Harry who is digging in his pocket. A sense of relief washes over me as he hands out my phone. Screw iPhones, rich ass bastards can have that. My poor Samsung is still damp so I'm hoping it still works. I unlock the screen, getting a little disappointed when I see no miscalls or text messages of my whereabouts. Don't they care?

Well, obviously not. Stupid me, thinking people actually cared. Whatever.

Harry looks at me cautiously, totally ignoring the rest of the lads while they watch World Cup re-runs. "What?" I ask, my tone defeated. I let myself fall onto their mattress, weight shifts beside me and I look up to see... Liam?

The look on his face, his familiar face, I recall everything, it's all his fault. I hate him, I hate him. "What do you want?!" I snap, he looks taken back. I sit myself up and push myself towards  the wall- creating as much distance between us. "

"I hate you, you know that? I hate you so much that I just want to stab you right now!" my voice becomes louder with every word and now I'm shouting. "I fu.cking hate you, you're the as.shole! I don't know what I've ever done wrong as a friend to you but you know what? You're right. They're not as bad as they look but you are the devil." I know the lads are staring at me but I can't stop myself now.

"You put up that nice guy act for everyone to see, for people to trust you and then you crush them to pieces, you drive them crazy and I-" I'm cut off when Harry pulls me into a hug. 

He hushes me down, comforting words whispered to me and my anger dissolves again, a muffled sob comes out of my mouth so I bring my hand up to my mouth. I think this is the thrid time I cried in front of Harry and the second in front of the others.

"I'm sorry, I really am" I hear Liam say behind me. 

"Lucy Emilia Gale, get yourself together. Do you want me to punch Liam for you? Because even if I did, that wouldn't fix anything" Louis' voice sounded behind me. I turn my head a bit since I was facing Harrys chest.

"Mate, shut up" Harry's chest vibrates but Louis doesn't listen. I do though.

"Out of all the girls we've known, you're by the far the strongest and the manliest when it comes to Harry" he chuckled a bit before continuing. "I'm not really good at speeches but I'm here to tell you that you're not the same girl you are now with the girl that Harry l-" he cleared his throat, his eyes flicked between me and the top of my head- which is Harry, "we admired" he finished. 

Harry l..? liked? lusted? loved? 

They all nodded in agreement and I look down, he's right. "Wait a minute- how could you have admired me if I hated every single one of you? I treated you guys so badly" I shook my head, now that I say it aloud- I sound like a bad guy.

"Because of that" NIall shrugged, "Believe it or not, but your friends were once our friends too. The only one of us who were ever able to talk to you were Liam and Harry at some point. So when Liam and Harry made a dea-"

Liam smacked Nialls arm, interrupting him. Context clues, English and being a nerd is now coming together. The pieces come together.

"What deal? Liam will be on of you for what?" I push Harry away, looking him in the eyes. I look around, Liam is glaring at Niall who is looking at Zayn who is looking at Louis who is looking at Harry who is looking at the floor (A/N: TROLOLOL). None of them looking the eye.

The air is tense and I can't believe I've had this much drama in a day. "You have to tell me! Yo can't just bring that up and not tell me?" I look at them but no dares talk.

I huff, gathering my bag, I make my way to the door. Harry grabs my wrist and I'm about to pull it away when he says, "Your mom called the police. You can't go"

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