Chap. 5:

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"What do you guys eat here?" I asked sitting down on our neon pink and yellow booth with the wall and Harry beside me.

Apparently, I was the only female between all of them and according to Nialls texts to me, I was the only girl that Harry brought to their 'secret' dinners.

We exchanged numbers- except for Liam of course since I blocked his number already.

From Niall:

Did you know that the lads hate it when one of us brings a girl? Unless they're together of course...

I blushed at that thought. "Who are you texting?" Harry noticed. "Umm- what? N-no one" I stuttered. I was caught completely of guard.

 I blinked rapidly as I looked at Niall whose head was hung low as well. "Liar" he smirked before grabbing my phone. "Hey!" I tried reaching for it but his arm was so damned long.

He checked my iPhone and looked at Niall. "Why are you texting Lucy these things?" he asked Niall. "That's not my number" Niall shrugged. 

Okay- these guys are HORRIBLE liars. Luckily that play Mrs. Diablo assigned to us is 4 months from now. 

"Alright, look- Niall is just kidding around okay? Could you calm down?" I reasoned out. He looked at me hesitantly and sighed before handing me my phone.

"Thank you" I smiled. Then my phone beeped- again but I made sure to hide it from Harry.

From: Niall

Thanks for saving my sorry arse! I owe you

I furrowed my eyebrows. 

To Niall:

Why? It's not like he was going to beat you up or something

I turned off my phone and stared at the food in front of me. "Umm- this is breakfast, not dinner" I pointed out.

"It's breakfast dinner" Zayn said.

"I can see that" I said pointing at the waffled, bacon, and egg- WITH hot choco.

"Well, if you don;t want it then--"

"Eat it, please" Harry whispered the last word to me interrupting Niall.

Since when did Harry Styles- I mean THE HARRY STYLES EVER- say please?? 

And since when was HE such a gentleman??

I rolled my eyes but nodded, and started digging in. "You know, too much PDA is bad for the health" Liam pointed out.

"Well then don;t watch" Harry chuckled. "I was talking about you two" Liam said. 

"Exactly...Why's that?" I asked- giving him the -bring-it-on look.

"Because you never know what the other person is hiding" Liam said.

He is such a cheater!

"Harry?" I questioned acting innocent.

"What? No! Liam, will you shut the hell up" he snapped at Liam. I had to bite my tongue trying not to laugh. 

Liam scowled at me before returning to his meal. When we were done eating, they started talking about guy stuff and I was stuck there forced to listen all because Liam is such a dick.

I didn;t know what time it was but people started leaving and my eyelids were getting heavier by the second. I didn;t want to intrude in their conversation so I leaned back and waited for their conversation to end which seemed like forever.

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