Chap. 7:

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I woke up to the shifting of my bed. At first- I thought it was just my imagination so I just yawned and rolled to trhe other side- that was until  I felt someone breathe into my hair and an arm around my waist. What?

I opened my eyes and slowly turned around. I shriekd, it was Harry.

"Get off me! Ew" I shoved him away but he seemed unaffected.

"It's not like you didn't just fucking make out with me the other day" he smirked, I shrieked and hit him on his arm.

"What?" he chuckled, "You don't just say that out loud!" I scolded, him laughing;

"What's so funny?" I pouted, crossing my arms- both of us were already sat up.

"Two things: One, you're acting like a kid and scolding like a mother and Two, I can't wait to see your reaction when you check the time" he laughed, his morning voice making me gulp

"Time..?" I felt my eyes widen, I grabbed my phone and it was already 9:15 AM. LATE.

"Oh shit shit shit shit" I cussed throwing the covers off me.  I picked up my jeans and tugged them on but realized I had no extra shirt to wear. I can't believe I'm doing this... "Harry... can I supposedly borrow a shirt?" I mumble.

"What? Excuse me what?" he scoffed, still in bed- I could see the ink lacing around his body. I could stare at them forever but this wasn't the time for that and I need a shirt.

"A shirt, a fucking shirt harry. Please?" I almost begged.

"Here" he smirks, throwing a black shirt at me. I didn;t have time to see what it was so I slipped off my shirt hoping Harry wasn't watching but I knew he was. I needed to put on the shirt fast but stupid and clumsy me made me struggle and let Harry have a great view of my cleavage.

Great. Just Great.

When I had the shirt on, I grabbed my bag and phone and ran inside the bathroom. When I was done, I ran back inside Harry's room and saw him still lying down in the bed.

"Harry! What're you doing?" I scolded, he didn't budge. He was my only ride to school so I need him up.

"Harry!! Wake up! Please!" I shake him.

He groans and rolls over, "harry" I said as if I was talking to a 6 year old.

Talking to him was pointless so I decided on doing something he'll love and I'll regret. I started kissing him on the nose and continued kissing him all over his face, saying "Wake up" every after a kiss.

"I like this and I wouldn't dare wake up" he chuckled.

"Harry please wake up? You're my ride to school and I don't want to be late! Fuck, I'm already late!" I whine, I sit crossed-leg beside him.

"Kiss me first" 

"I already kissed you! All over your fucking face!" I pouted.

"You didn't kiss me on the lips... that was all I was waiting for" he smirks, I fight the urge to slap him.

"Probably because it's the most disgusting part of your face" I mutter but I groaned and kissed him. I kissed him so many times and I just freakin' woke up.

"That's better" he smirks, he threw off the covers and I felt my eyes widen with him only in a brief. I shrieked, "HARRY! Put on some pants!! " I yelled covering my eyes. I coul feel my heart thumping loudly and fast.

I heard him laugh and it wasn;t long before I was allowed to uncover my eyes. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs" I groan, making a bee line for the stairs before he can even say anything. When I get to the kitchen, a girl with long and wavy brown hair. Her back was turned to me and a clong white robe was draped over her shoulders.

I couldn't see her face but I was hoping it was Harry's girlfriend... if he ever had one though. Maybe it was his mom, yeah.

Another female entered the kitchen and I'm frozen in place. She had dark brown hair as well, which was wavy as well. She looked no older than 50, she was beautiful.

"Gemma, Whe- Oh, Hi" she noticed me before she smiled widely at me and I mustered a smile. I did not want this to happen. The girl in a robe turned around and I'm surprised to find a female version of Harry, only- older looking, but she was pretty no doubt.

"Hi" I wave awkwardly, For once- I was begging Harry to come out, because I think I just met his whole family.

The girl looked so much like Harry and they both looked like the possible mom. I wonder what they're dad looks like...

Finally, harry shows up- jogging down the stairs. I won't admit it out loud but I was so happy to see him there. 

"You ready?" he asks, not even noticing the two women looking at us weirdly.

"Umm- yeah, and Harry- I think I met your mom and your... sister" I guessed, this is the most awkward situation I've ever been in.

He looked up and smiled, "Morning Mum, Gem" he greeted and I bow my head- Please don't notice me...

"Good Morning Harry, and who is this beautiful young girl?" the mom strides toward us.

"Oh, yeah- this is Lucy Gale. Luce, this is my mom Anne" he introduced and I smile nodding at her as my greeting. I do not want to talk- don't let me talk please...

His sister cleared her throat and Harry laughed, "And this is my oh-so wonderful sister, Gemma" he points at her and I greet her too.

"Hi" Anne and Gemma greet with wide grins and I smile as much as I could. This is the opposite of the family I thought Harry would have..

"Hi, It's nice to meet you" I keep myself  strained- especially with me running late. It's just that I can't be rude. 

"To you too! Are you kids dating?" Anne immeditaley asks and we shake our heads vigorously.

"Really? I thought you guys were since you're the only girl Harry has ever brought home" Gemma remarks and I'm surprised. Only girl? Maybe he brings those slut girls to hotel rooms or something.

"What?" I scoff before I could think.

Harry gave me a hard look and I shut up. "Well, we need to go- we're late for school" Harry hurriedly says before grabbing my hand and running for the door. Atleast I'm not the only one who wanted to leave.

"Bye" I waved at them after they greeted me and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. "You said it was only You and I!" I scold as we got into his car. I feel so embarrassed. 

"I didn't know they were coming home early! They were supposed to come home at lunch!" he defends with his hands and starts to drive. I facepalm and groan in frustration.

"And only girl? Seriously?" I bring it up but he doesn't respond. His eyes were firmly locked on the road and I sigh looking out the window. I hate days like this... By days like this, I mean this day- so fucking much.

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