Chap. 23:

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Months have passes and neither my mother or sister bothered, I have to give them props for that. My part time job wage helps in the house, even if Anne refused for the first couple of week but finally gave in. After a couple of months, Harry decides to help out too. He got a job at the auto shop for a higher wage than mine by .85 pounds.

As I'm studying for finals, I realize how fast this school year is. After graduation, it's off to college for all of us and I haven't really thought about that yet. I haven't earned enough to keep paying for my tuition fee. I just have to rely on scholarships to get me through, which is why I have been studying 24/7 the whole time I was here.

I haven't thought of what Harry would do, we always avoided the topic and we both knew why. We didn't want to leave each other, sure- we argued quite a lot but our relationship is what helped me strive to keep on fighting. Especially since I don't have anymore financial aid form my mum. Harry on the other hand continues to spend his money on me, even when I don't ask for it and refuse it even.

He kisses me on the cheek and takes the seat beside mine. We were currently in the dining room while I study for finals 2 weeks from now.

"I have a joke" Harry announces and I give him a warning look. Harry has terrible punny jokes, so terrible that they're actually quite funny but I don't admit it. That'll just encourage him and that means more terrible jokes.

"This is funny! I swear" he smiles. Thankfully Gemma comes running down the stairs.

"Emergency guys! 16 year old giving birth, she's only 7 months" she yells as she grabs her coat, her phone balanced between her cheek and her shoulder. Her quick movements are abruptly halted. Harry and I turn to look at her curiously, she turns around to face us with a pale face as if she's seen a ghost.

"Give me a minute" she mumbles into the phone before hanging up, "Lucy, your sister is giving birth right now-" my blood runs cold but I keep a straight face "- all because she tried to kill herself. Your mom isn't answering her phone and she needs a family member" Gemma says cautiously.

I don't face Harry, because I know he'll tell me to go. He squeezes my hand and I give a small nod.

"We're going, Gem- you're driving" Harry nods and throws the keys at her, I'm not sure if she caught it because I'm still dazed by the news. Harry pulls me up and guides me outside and inside the car.

"Are you okay, love?" he asks, I shook my head. I bite my lip and collect my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm strong enough" I answer with determination in my voice. Harry smiles at me, "I know you are"


"Miss Gale? Your sister is asleep right now, would you like to see your nephew?" the nurse asks, I part my lips but nothing comes out. Do I really want to see Liam's offspring? Speaking of Liam, where is he?

I turn around and look for him but he's nowhere in sight, did he even come along? Does he even know she gave birth already? Does he know she tried to kill herself?

"Yes, please" Harry answers for me, Harry is my voice and strength. The warmth of his skin in my hand is comforting enough, I should really thank him because if he wasn't holding my trembling hand right now- I'd be sobbing hysterically because I didn't know how to feel or what to do.

"Sorry sir, but what is your relations to the patient?" the nurse asks rudely. I glare at her, "He's my husband, why do you think we're wearing rings?" I snap at her.

The nurse looks taken aback by my little outburst and Harry tries to pull me away from the nurse. My emotions are already all over the place and the bi.tch can't stop sniffing around where she doesn't need to. She nods and starts leading us to the nursery. She hands us both sterile robes, soap to wash our hands with and hand alcohol, and hair caps. She goes inside the nursery in gear as well and looks through the labels on the cribs.

"Imagine having one of those living dolls" Harry states and I chuckle at his fondness for kids. Even when I nearly lose my temper, he still has the power to make me laugh. He smiles at me before the nurse comes back and carefully places a little wrinkled potato wrapped in white clothe.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" I ask the nurse, it was too small but I guess that's how they look when they pop out too damn early.

"Girl, Misses Gale? Misses-"

"Styles" Harry and I share a look, he winks at me and I grin. The nurse nods awkwardly before leaving, bidding she'll be back in a few minutes to bring the baby back.

"I don't even know her name, but I can't believe she's Liam's kid" I shake my head; "Speaking of Liam, where is he?" I look up to Harry. He shrugs in response.

"I'll hold her for you, you go call Liam" he smiles, I know he just wants to hold the kid but this is my niece. I pout but nod and carefully lay the little potato in his arms before removing my gloves and grabbing my phone to call the father.

"Lucy! Did she give birth already? Is it true then!?" he panics over the phone.

"Yes! She tried to kill herself!" I grumble.

"Crap, I'm on my way already. How is he- she?"he asks making me smile.

"It's a she, as for Kirsten, she's asleep right now. Get your ass over here" I exclaim before hanging up and putting my gloves back on and facing Harry again.

"You know, about awhile ago... I'd be happy to be your husband. Lucy Styles... Hmm- doesn't sound bad at all" he winks and I chuckle.

"Wait until after uni, boy" I grin before turning back to little potato. I don't even know her name.

"I will wait forever for you"


Author's Note: THE END IS NEAR. AND BY NEAR- I MEAN IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OMG I can't believe I actually finished a book! I'm so happy some of you actually stuck by this sheet book. I love you all, thank you so much and just HEART EYES EMOJI

Love you all seriously, please vote, comment, and fan if you liked this book and or chapter yay :)

Peace out homies

Beauty is the Beast || h.s. auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें