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Johanna's POV

6:02 p.m.

After cleaning my foot I had to walk home since no one was going to give me a ride and I couldn't stay since the wedding was obviously canceled.

It was a very bad idea the walk home, took me three hours.I had to keep stopping to take breaks because of the blisters my heals were giving me.

When I finally arrived I stood on the curb staring at my childhood home.

Should I go in?

Mom said not to come home, so what should I do?

What's the worse that could happen? I'll go inside get my stuff and leave, right?

I took a deep breath before walking up to the steps, I winced each step I took.

I hesitantly knocked on the front door before waiting for it to open. Fortunately Rudy answered the door, who am I kidding? He probably hates me too.

"Johanna" he sighed. "Mom-."

"I know mom said not to come home but I need my stuff and then I'll be out of your hair on a plane to New York, hopefully the plane crashes" I ran a hand through my now messy hair.

"Johanna" he sighed before looking behind him. "Stay here I'll get your stuff"

I nodded before collapsing on the bench swing. My feet were aching and I think I've officially hit rock bottom. My phone rang startling me before I quickly answered it, not even bothering to look at the name, so no one would hear it.


"I'm surprised you answered" Ethan nervously chuckled. I sighed.

"What the fuck do you want, huh? Are you here to tell me you've ruined something else in my life" I said through gritted teeth.

" I am so very sorry, Johanna, I swear I didn't think it would blow up that way"

"What did you think was going to happen Ethan! That they would all understand and then we'd be the ones getting married. That Malia would accept us? That anyone would except us?" I was so pissed right now.

"Johanna I'll make it up to-."

I hung up the call not wanting to hear his pathetic excuses.

The door opened and Rudy exited with my suitcase.

"You hate me too?" I asked quietly as I took my shoes off to change into adidas slides.

"What you did was extremely fucked up Johanna" his voice was soft as he leaned against the door frame. "But i don't think everyone will be mad forever just keep your distance for awhile"

"A week ago I didn't even want to be here and now all I want to do is stay" I sniffled.

"Johanna?" Andrews voice made us both jump.


"Get inside, Rudy." He stepped aside so Rudy could go inside.

"But-." Rudy tried to speak.

"Inside. Now"

"Whatever" Rudy scoffed before giving me a smile then proceeding inside.

"Drew-." I tried again but he just shook his head no then closed the door.

I sighed before stuffing my heals into my bag.

What the hell am I going to do now?

Secrets ~ E.DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang