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Johanna's POV

I need a job.

Now more than ever, my savings are running out and I need to pitch in with the bills at Ethans.

Speaking of Ethan, I think we're dating. I mean he didn't ask me directly but that short conversation we had yesterday confirms it. Right?

"Where are you going so early?" Ethan sat up in bed rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"I'm going to go job hunting" I said fixing my hair.

"Baby, get back to bed, it's Sunday" he laid back stretching. "You can go out tomorrow, come cuddle with me"

"I'd love that" I went over placing a kiss on his lips. "But I have to do this now, I can't keep putting it off"

"Alright" he yawned.

I went out into the living room slash kitchen to get something to eat before heading out.

Rudy was sound asleep on the couch, Nadines journal on the coffee table.

Lowkey, I was itching to read it. To find out what kind of dirty secrets that bitch was keeping. Also, to read about my mom.

No, I don't want to know about her. I might hurt my own feelings. If she wanted a kid she would've kept me, but it could be something else. Her situation could have been horrible.

"Johanna?" Grayson called out.


"You good, you were spaced out?" He said opening the fridge.

"Uhm, yeah. I'll be back around four, tell Rudy to chill here until I get back" I said grabbing my purse.

"Mkay, bye"

Grayson's POV

This fucking sucks, how did I end up here? Back living with my brother and heartbroken.

Don't get me wrong I love my brother and there's nothing wrong with living with him but just a few days ago I was living my best life with the most beautiful woman.

Now here I am at a desk working nine to five. All over a stupid thing that happened a long ass time ago.

I rubbed my eyes fighting back the tears. I loved Lexi and it really hurts that she doesn't trust me. I was nothing but good to her throughout our whole relationship.

You know what? Fuck her. I don't need her, I'll find someone better than her.

My phone pinged.


Lexi: Hey...could we talk?

Me: Sure, when?

Lexi: You at work?

Me: yeah

Lexi: Then for your lunch, come over.

Me: I'll be there.

What was I saying?


I had no problem throwing out that left over Chinese food I was going to have for lunch.

I want Lexi back and her inviting me over could mean she wants me back, right?

I mean why else would she have texted me.

Before I knocked I untucked my button down from my pants and rolled my sleeves up. She always said she found this hot.

I took a deep before knocking on her door.

I heard some shuffling before hearing the locks unlock and then finally the door open.

"Hey Lex" I smiled.

"Hey Gray, come in" she stepped back.

Felt good to be back here, it was warm and smelled of her sweet perfume.

"Uh I made some lemon chicken pasta" she said closing the door.

"This is a lot, it's so much better then what I was going to have for lunch." I sat at the table where I usually sat getting ready to dig eat.

"Go ahead, eat" she said softly and I did not hesitate to dig in.

She went over to the small kitchen grabbing a pitcher of iced tea bringing it over and pouring me a glass.

This woman spoils me.

She finally sat down next to me but didn't serve herself a plate.

"Mm" I wiped some sauce from my mouth. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not hungry" she tucked her hair behind her ear. "I actually invited you over to tell you something really important and you know I stress cook"

"What is it?" Please god, let it be that she wants to get back together.

I can practically hear her say the words.

Grayson, I-

"m pregnant" she finished my thoughts incorrectly.

"What?" I said completely shocked.

"I'm pregnant, Gray"

Pregnant, as in like a kid. A baby in her belly. My baby in her belly.

My child in her.

"Say something" she chuckled.

" Uhm I don't know what to say" I placed my fork down feeling a bit sick.

"Well, what are you feeling?" She forced a smile. "You're happy right?"

"I don't know, Lexi" I took a deep breath. "This is big, I mean we're not even together"

"I wanted to talk to you about that too. I overreacted, Johanna's just so beautiful. I let my insecurities get the best of me" she shook her head softly. "But if your willing, I'd like to give us another chance. If not for me then for our baby" she grabbed my hand placing the other on her stomach.

Was it getting hot in here?

Alexis was still talking but I couldn't really hear what she was saying.

It's like really fuckin hot in here, right?

This is a lot. This is not what I expected to happen at all. A kid? Do you know how expensive those are?

How life changing those are?

"Grayson! Grayson!" I looked up at Alexis. How did I end up on the floor? "Gray, are you okay?"

"What happened?" I sat up.

"I was talking to you and then you passed out or something. Are you okay? Should I call someone?" She asked placing both of her hands on the side of my face.

"No, no, it's fine. Could I get some water?" I asked getting back into my chair.

"Yeah, yeah of course"


Alexis's POV

Grayson was sound asleep his head laid on my stomach as we both laid on the couch.

I convinced him to call out of work for the rest of the day.

I knew that a baby was big news but he full on passed out.

I want this baby, I'm having this baby. With or without Grayson I'm going to create, give birth, and then raise this kid.

Ethans POV

"Hey" I said to Rudy who was just waking up, wow this kid can sleep.

"Morning" he yawned.

"Afternoon" I corrected walking over to the fridge.

"If I ask you to help me with something will you promise not to tell Hanna?" He asked and I turned around thinking about it.

"It depends on what it is" I shrugged as though I didn't care but I was highly interested.

"What if I told you I wanted to find her real mom?"

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