Icebreaker: Social Media

Start from the beginning

I stared at him blankly,  "Really, Dad".

He ignored me and got up to look for Vanessa, probably to make him a sandwich. He was so lost without food. "Nessa! I need food. Make me a sandwich?".

How did I know? I plopped down onto the soft white sofa, "Two, please?".

"Two!", he corrected. He turned to me and whispered, "Chicken or pastrami?".

"How about chicken and bacon?", I said more enthused. I love bacon.

His eyes lit up and he hugged my neck from behind squishing his face against mine. "I knew you were my daughter! My lovely bacon eating daughter!", and with that he disappeared.

I laughed. What a strange man. His previous anger forgotten and all he had in his mind was food. We waited a while eating our sandwiches Vanessa made and watched Diego Sanchez beat the living hell from some Irish guy.

The Collins' arrived shortly after we did. I was happy we'd gotten a large table because they had a big family. Four kids and two adults. Whew! I can only imagine how big their house must be on the inside. I mean our house is pretty huge but theirs has to hold twice as many people and I'm sure they had a guest room.

While waiting for our food the adults chatted it up discussing economy and other boring topics. Kirsten and I, the oldest girl, found out we had quite a bit in common but she didn't seem like one of the people I'd hang out with. We were pretty much quiet after that until I had had enough. Silence drives me crazy.

"Alright, this is boring!", I said throwing up my hands dramatically. I turned to the adults who all looked equally shocked and amused. "Excuse me, but you guys are boring and these guys", I waved at the teens before me, "are boring. This whole thing is boring". I was feeling spastic. Giving all my attention to Dad I gave him my best puppy dog face, "Daddy, please, can we get a booth. Just for us. You guys stay here and talk about the fiscal cliff and all that, but I can't take it".

By now the Collins kids were stifling laughter, which I didn't mind as long as they weren't all staring at their phones being awkward. My dad was trying not to laugh himself when he waved me off. I rolled my eyes in n exasperated way and got up signaling for the others to follow.

"Aye, yo, Isabel, we're going to booth 517, bring our food there please", I instructed our waitress.

I didn't wait for her response, I just sat down. Everyone filed in, Chris across from me -this I found unnerving and nice at the same time - Kirsten beside him and Karisma by her, and Crawford sat on the same side as me.

"Alright", I began, "I know you guys are outgoing and fun so please, don't let the vines be a lie", I pleaded.

"You watch our vines?", Chris asked dubiously.

"And follow you on YouTube and Twitter and Instagram and Facebook", I laughed feeling a heart rise to my cheeks. I probably seemed like a stalker now.

Crawford lit up a bit and smiled his adorable dimpled smile, "What's your user? I'll follow you".

"Yeah, me too", Chris chimed.

I could gave died, but I didn't because they're just normal people like me, just a little more well known. After the ice was broken we all talked like friends and for a while it was nice. In the middle of our meal Chris slid over to Crawford and my side where we were watching vines. He sat beside me so I was in the middle of them which made me lose focus a lot because he was so close I could smell him and may I just say, he smells amazing. Karisma ended up getting tired and Kirsten took her home. After dinner the rest of us went to our place. The guys and I played games until our eyes hurt and then watched movies.

"What do you guys wanna watch? I have probably any movie you can think of", I did tying my thick waves up in a high ponytail. I had just changed into something more comfortable since I really hated wearing jeans for a long period of time. I changed into a pair of white basketball shorts and a yellow cutoff. Much better.

Crawford crawled on the floor and started digging through the movies in the cases. "What about Transformers?", he asked holding  up the case of the first movie.

"Sure. Whatever you guys wanna watch", I plopped down on the sofa Chris was currently sitting on but I sat on the far end as to not give him any ideas. It wasn't that I thought he would try anything I just didn't want him to think I liked him or anything. That would be weird.

"Chris?", Crawford waved the plastic in front of his brother's face. Chris had zoned out, staring at his phone. It was sorta cute when he spaced out.

Chris' head snapped up. "Huh?", he asked absentmindedly. I wonder what had him so distracted.

"Dude", Crawford said dully. "You wanna watch Transformers or nah?".

Chris' eyes flickered over to me before doing to his phone again. He shrugged shaking his head nonchalantly. "Sure", wow, he must need talking to his girlfriend or something. The thought stung more than it should have.

I shook off my disappointment as Crawford slipped the disc into the player. It wasn't any of my business what Chris was doing, I mean, he's just my neighbor.

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