"That's cute"
"What's cute?"
"Ah!" Darlings yells, grabbing everyone's attention and she embarrassedly looks down and turns to the culprit that scared her.

"Jimin. What. The. Hell!" She smacks his shoulder after each word. When she was done he rubbed his left shoulder, realizing he has taken her backpack's seat.

"So rude of you to just take my backpack's seat, what if it still wanted to sit next to me huh? Now it can't." She playfully scolds, Jimin looks down, but has a smile on his face. She pulls up her music program on her laptop and continues to work, Jimin's chin resting on her right shoulder as she continues to play with notes and rhythms trying to get a beat started.


Hours pass and they board the plane to Chile, their overseas leg of the Wing's tour now beginning. Darling searches for her seat and finds it, she gets excited to find out she gets a seat in the middle section of the plane, delighted, she gets situated. Another human takes a seat next to her and she turns to see it's Jimin.

"Now I have to sit next to you for even longer?" She playfully whines, Jimin laughs, a squeak coming out and Darling starts to laugh more, which makes Jimin laugh and start to squeak more. It's just a bunch of giggles and squeaks in the business class portion of the plane. They both calm down, Darling looks around her and sees Yoongi and Namjoon in front of her and she looks behind her to see Jungkook and Taehyung. She looks to her right to see Jin and Hoseok in the next row, she smiles and looks around to see their managers and stylists and some crew in other seats around the plane. Darling begins to get somewhat comfortable and waits for the plane to fly, hoping she will be able to sleep throughout the whole flight.


"You're joking right?"

"No i'm not Darling I can't find it."

"Namjoon if you don't find your passport we can't enter Chile." I tell him, I continue to look around his seat and Yoongi's seat, confused as to how Namjoon lost his passport.

"Couldn't he have just put it in his bag like a normal human?" I whisper to myself, pushing my hand in between the seat cushions trying to feel it. No luck.

"Namjoonie... WHY!" She lets out exasperatedly. She lets out a long sigh seeing the boys and some crew talking to a flight attendant.

The camera comes towards me and I notice it, I start to laugh and look at the camera.

"After how many hours of being stuck on a plane, We're all excited to get off and be on land right ?-" I pause for dramatic effect, "-WRONG!" I point at the camera playfully.

"Namjoonie just had to lose his passport somewhere around here, he can't leave without it which means we can't leave because one member can't put his passport in his bag like a normal person." I rant, I look at the seats, my hands on my hips and shake my head. I get out of Namjoon's seat row and head into mine, noticing the camera turning it's attention towards the boys as I grab my backpack. Everyone continues to look through the seats and all around, I stay by my seat, too tired to look again.

"We can't enter Chile without the passport." Yoongi says annoyedly. I point at him and nod, agreeing with him.

Now flashlights are involved and everyone is checking the cushions to see if they can find it.

"Too many chefs in the kitchen" I whisper to myself. The flashlight beams around the back of my seat the corner of Namjoon's seat to the left and I notice something stuck between the armrest.

"Oh you have to be kidding me." I say in my head, I grab the corner and pull it out, a South Korean Passport is in my hand, I open it just to be sure, even though I already know, I see Namjoon's face and I start to laugh.

"Namjoon-" everyone's attention is on me now and I smile bigger then ever.

"-you damn owe me one." I smile and show Namjoon's passport, everyone cheers and yells, claps can be heard and I stick my arms out, enjoying the praise, Namjoon runs towards me and tackles me in a hug and grabs his passport.

"You saved my life, thank you." He says in English, I smile and laugh.

"Dinner. You owe me dinner." I said in English and pat his shoulder as we make our way out of the airport.


You guys can request !

Hope you're enjoying it 💖

- Union_R✨ -

BTS 8th member ✔️Where stories live. Discover now