"I appreciate you" I hummed at my brother, "There's something else though, and I think I should tell you"

He gave me an inquisitive look, and I pulled him down to sit on the bed.

"Look, I've been avoiding labels for a while. I don't like to talk about my sexuality but..it's time" I sighed, "Kurt..I'm Bisexual"

"I guessed" he mumbled.

"And you're okay with it?"

Kurt sighed, "I don't believe in it. But if it's what you identify as, I'll accept it. I love you for who you are sis"

I sighed in relief and leant into my brothers shoulder as he took me in for a hug, "I love you kurky"

"I love you too Lexi"


The choir room was filled with yells of protest the next day as principle figgins stood at the front of the room with my least favourite person.

The old man raised his hands, "Okay Listen, I'm all..That's all I'm asking for. Let me finish! Quiet!"

"We don't care what he has to say!" Finn growled.

"¡Lo odio!" I screeched, "Voy a matarlo como si hubiera amenazado a Kurt!"

At this point, Finn was the only reason I wasn't at Karofsky's throat.

"Shut up, Miss Hummel!" Principle Figgins shouted, "..look I know Dave has had some issues in the past"

"He was the issue!" I interrupted, earning a glare from Mr Schue.

"But I have great respect for what he's doing right now, and I ask if you could hear him out" the principle ignored me.

"Okay, how about we punch his face in instead?" Sam spoke up.

"Right" Mercedes murmured.

I sighed, calming down, "guys look I realise that Karofsky was an issue but violence isn't the answer. As much as I hate to admit"

Dave stood forward, nodding his head at me, "thank you Alexis. Look, I just want to say how sorry I am, for what I did to Kurt and for what I've done to all of you. I think I've slushied all of you"

"I kinda asked for it to be honest" I sent a small smile at Dave, earning a bigger one back in response.

He was really trying to apologise, bless him.

He then continued, "but I've treated Kurt the worst. And I'm really ashamed of who I am and what I did. And Alexis- I am so sorry for how I treated your brother, and how I've treated Finn. My behaviour has been horrible and I'm ashamed"

"How are we meant to believe you?" Puck scoffed.

"You don't have to" Dave sighed, "I know I'll need to earn your trust. All I can say is that Santana has really helped me see the light"

I coughed on air, "Wait- Santana?! As in Lopez? As in Satan?"

"She showed me all these stories online about kids jumping off bridges and hanging themselves because they were being bullied so bad" Dave sighed, "I couldn't believe that someone could make another person feel so awful, but she helped me accept that i was one of those people. And I don't want to be that anymore"

I frowned at him, I could see how torn he was over how he had treated Kurt. I could finally believe that he was sorry for what he had done.

Santana stood and smirked, "This glee club is not complete. Not without Kurt. So I've taken it upon myself to rehabilitate Dave to see if Kurt would come back for nationals. I did this for us- and something funny happened..something called love"

The two joined hands, and instantly I put my head in my hands, "Ay Ai Ay"

"I want Kurt to feel safe when he comes back, which is why we've started a new club- the bully whips"

"The name was my idea" Santana smirked.

Figgins looked to the students, "I have deputised Dave and Santana and the rest of their club to roam the halls, identifying and stopping bullying in its tracks"

"I'm planning on reaching out to Kurt through principle figgins to try and make amends. This is a chance to change this place, I hope you can all support me us"


I jumped up and down and looked at the time, "Bitches! It's official!"

"What's official?" Sam frowned.

Me and Mercedes both gave him the side eye, before being interrupted by a familiar voice.

"My Transfer! Kurt Hummel's back at McKinley!"

My brother ran down the stairs, and I immediately hugged the hell out of him.

"You're home" I mumbled.

He chuckled with joy, "I've missed seeing you at school everyday"

He then got pulled into hugs by Mercedes, Tina and Brittany, "Okay! Let me breathe! Let me Breathe! ..Let's get ready for nationals"

"Not yet" I smirked, "see there's a reason we all met here. There are some people who want to say goodbye to you Kurt"

Kurt's face broke into a sad smile when seeing Blaine and the Warblers approach, "Kurt, Dalton's going to miss you. You were a great addition to the Warblers and you made us a better team. I'm sad to see you go but we all know this is what you want. And I'll still have you after school and on the weekends, but these guys won't. So they wanted to say goodbye"

I cuddled into Mike's side as the Warblers performed somewhere only we know.

When the performance was ending, Kurt turned to Finn and gave him a huge hug. I smiled and joined in, "The Hudson-Hummel's are back together bitches!"

They stopped singing and Kurt took Blaine into a huge hug, "I'm never saying goodbye to you"

Blaine nodded and began to walk away, but not before I pulled him back one last time.

"Thank you" I mumbled, "for everything. For helping my brother. And for being there"

He pulled me into a hug, "it's not a problem Lex."

"I mean it Anderson-" I smiled, before quieting my voice, "and no, I haven't told anyone what you said to me after the party"

He sighed in relief, making me chuckle.

The Warblers walked away, and I turned to Kurt and the New Directions.

"The Hummel Duo are back in business!"

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