She looked round, "I mean, I'm sure Sam's gone to the doctors and rifled through pamphlets about mouth reduction. And I'll bet that Artie's thought about getting his legs removed because he's not really using them anyway. And I'm pretty sure that even Lexi has considered getting hair extensions permanently implanted in her head"

I fondled the ends of my short, dark brown hair, "now that's just rude. My hair is soft and short and I love how it is"

"And I'm definitely sure that Tina's looked into getting an eye de-slanting" she shot at the Asian girl.

Tina gawked, "that's extraordinarily racist"

"I'm keeping it real" Santana shrugged.

"No Satan" I snapped, "usually I would agree with the whole sarcasm thing- obviously because you're my best friend. But you're just being mean."

"Sorry Santana, I'm a beautiful person. I love myself, I wouldn't change a thing" Tina smiled.

"I'm sure that's why you're wearing blue contacts" I hissed, "You're so 'happy' with yourself."

Mike put a hand around me and held me to my seat, "Down girl!"

"Look, I'm trying to be in fashion and mirror what I see in magazines" Tina mumbled.

Finn shrugged, "my dancing kinda bothers me- It almost killed Rachel. But other than that I'm pretty happy"

"Oh please" Santana growled, "you have weird, puffy, pyramid nipples. They look like they're filled with custard. You could dust them with powdered sugar and they could pass as some sort of dessert."

She rolled her eyes, "look maybe Rachel's fine with having a big beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is that if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it"

"Okay Santana that is enough!" I stood up, "Glee club is meant to be somewhere you are accepted for who you are, not for pointing out flaws and things we don't like about each-other! Usually I wouldn't care about when you insult people because we joke and that's who we are- but this is going too far! We need to appreciate who we are and what we have."

Will stood and faced the group, "Exactly! Alexis is right. The part of yourself that you most want to change is often the most interesting part of yourself"

"Well maybe so" Mercedes shrugged, "but at this school, the thing that makes you different is the thing that people will use to crush your spirit."


"It was totally weird" I mumbled to Kurt, "like we've been given this assignment about self acceptance or whatever, but I don't know what to do"

Kurt finished painting my nails and placed the nail polish on his bedside table, "Well, what are you insecure about?"

"Nothing really, I'm pretty happy with myself" I shrugged.

He sighed, "Lex, I know that you are ultimately a happy person, but you can't be completely happy with how you look"

I walked up to his mirror and studied my face, I was pretty normal. Skinny nose, freckles, short brown hair, medium sized lips.

I slowly took off the contact lenses that I wore during the day to study my eyes. I hated them.

"I don't like my eyes" I grumbled, "they're two different colours, it looks weird."

I paused and looked down at the small scar that showed just beneath the sleeve of my jumper, "..Hunter used to make fun of me for them"

Kurt walked up to me and stared at my blue and green iris'.

"Alexis, they're beautiful. They make you different, unique. Whatever Hunter said is wrong. He's a bad person, whatever he did to you is in the past"

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