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"Oh hey Laines, Michelle wants us to go shopping with her." He is sitting on his bed reading for class and I am at his desk studying.

"Are you sure that your ego can handle that," I laugh.

He puts the book to his side, "look, I am completely comfortable and confident in our commitment to each other, but she likes to play around a lot."

"The problem isn't that she plays around, it's that she plays around with me," I clarify.

"It was like the moment she found out that you were attracted to her, she ran with it. I swear she does it to rub it in my face. I never should have told her"

I laugh at him again, and put down my pencil to look at him, "it's all innocent, neither of us would do anything to hurt you, you know that."

He grumbles his agreement, "I know that, but does she have to touch you so much. I never get to hold you when we're together because she's already doing it."

"What if I like that she touches me." He shoots me a side glance that says it all. I grin as I climb on the bed next to him. "Look, baby, if it actually makes you uncomfortable, I'll tell her to chill out okay?"

He shakes his head as he wraps an arm around my shoulders, "no, I know it's innocent and I am not going to ask you to stop doing something that makes you happy, because of my ego. I like to think that you guys are just keeping me humble."

I kiss his cheek, "exactly, we're just reminding you how lucky you are to have me in your life."

He leans down and kisses my collarbone, "God, that's so true, I am the luckiest guy in the world."

I've been getting used to believing him when he says things like that and in my own worth. It's April now and AP exams are coming up quick. The past couple of months have been surprisingly good. I spend more time with people who make me happy. People like Alessa, Brendon, Michelle, Mads, Ray, and even Cal and Cooper. I am in a good place. Brendon and I are in a perfect place. Valentine's Day was just the beginning. Every time after has been just as fulfilling and positive of an experience. That is what it is: an experience that we both regard as important. We never cease to make sure that despite having gone to certain places before, that the other is comfortable with visiting them again. Sometimes, one of us isn't and I am so happy that we can communicate when that is the case. Before this, it never occured to me how important open conversation is to intimacy.

Over spring break, Alessa and I went to go look at a couple of colleges. It was fun, but it was a reminder that soon we would be apart from each other for the first time in ten years. The thought was scary and we both started to realize that we needed to talk about what our future looks like. The same rang true for Brendon and I. We both got into a couple of different colleges and now it is time for us make decisions.

Michelle pulls up in front of Brendon's house and we climb into the car. I am up front and any argument about seating arrangements have long been had and put to rest. Michelle leans over and kisses my cheek in greeting before looking over her shoulder at Brendon to say hello. On the drive over, she talks about the places she wants to go and what kind of clothes she is looking for. When we get there, she comes around to my side of the car and tethers our hands together. I grin and hold onto Brendon's bicep with my free hand when they shoot each other looks.

"You get her all of the time," Michelle says.

"She's not a thing to be had, Chelle," he responds.

"Oh, believe me, I am fully aware, I'm just saying loosen up."

Before Brendon can say anything else I interject, "I think you guys like mock-fighting with each other over me. But if anyone should be jealous, it should be me, considering when Brendon and I started getting close and I when I first met you, Michelle, you two were casually having sex." I feel Brendon tense and Michelle bites her lip, "however, since that isn't the case, I want no more taunting between the two of you."

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