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We decide to be as sickeningly sweet and cliché as possible for our first time. Valentine's Day lands on a Saturday. It turns into an event, really. Alessa and Mads are at my house helping me get ready. It is a little surreal and embarrassing if I am honest.

"Maybe we should do some stretches," Mads suggests.

I look at her weird but it is short lived because Alessa is shoving pineapple juice at me, "that's not a half bad idea. Here drink, drink, drink."

"I don't understand why you keep giving me pineapple juice. You're gonna make my stomach hurt."

She gives me a pitying look but doesn't answer. "Sit down so that we can do your makeup. I've got this great setting spray. It'll hold through sweat, spit, blood and tears."

Since I am sitting in front of the mirror, I can see how horrified I look. "I don't think I want that."

"Yeah that might be a little much. What the hell are you and Chris doing, Alessa?" Mads turns her arched eyebrow on Alessa.

"Today is not about me," she deflects.

We both laugh at her before turning back to the mirror. "You guys, thank you for wanting to help and stuff, but I just wanted your company. I can get ready by myself," I tell them.

They frown a little but retire to my bed. As I put on my usual bit of makeup, we chatter. Sometimes it's them making teasing comments or lewd ones about Brendon and me, but most of it is casual conversation. When I am done, I pull on the little piece that Brendon bought me for Christmas. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel okay. It fits well and the material is soft on my skin. After taking a deep breath, I step out in front of Mads and Alessa.

Alessa smirks real big as she looks me up and down, "damn."

"You can say that again. Jesus Laina, if I was ever confused about being attracted to girls before I'm not anymore," Mads says.

"You're gonna knock his ass dead," Alessa promises me, full of confidence.

I finish getting ready by putting on a black wrap around dress with flowers and a delightfully low cut. My mother's friend gave it to me and I've been just waiting for a moment to wiggle my way into it. I put on a pair of heels, earning a few whoops from my girls. I give myself a once over after I've put on my jewelry and I feel good. For a few moments, I just take in how nice it is to be comfortable in my own skin. It isn't something that I am used to.

I bid my friends goodbye and hop in my car to drive to his place. Brendon is making me dinner and he insists that we sit down and have a nice, romantic meal. How involved he has made himself in order to make this an event is endearing. Doing it on Valentine's Day would have been enough but he's going all out. He even got his family to leave the house to us, which is embarrassing if I think too long about it. They know exactly what we are going to be doing tonight.

As I walk through the front door, I can smell the food cooking. I make my way toward the aroma of steak wafting from the kitchen. His back is to me when I enter but the sound of my heels quickly alerts him. He turns to look at me. A huge smile takes over his entire face.

"Hey, baby, you look incredible." He puts an arm around my waist and kisses me before motioning me to sit at the counter. "It's almost done."

"It smells good, I was worried I'd have to bring my own seasonings."

He laughs as he starts making our plates. Once they are done he disappears into the dining room. I wait for a bit before he returns. As he pulls off the apron he had been wearing, he makes his way to me. Under the apron, he is wearing a button down and a nice pair of black jeans. He takes my hand and helps me down from the seat.

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