Coming To A Close

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The group sat around Lily as she drew a large circle full of Ancient Greek symbols on the floor with a piece of chalk.

"The symbols help me channel my power." She explained when Tony opened his mouth to ask a question.

He nodded and sat back.

"So this is going to help us in the war?" Percy asked her.


"Alright. Fire away."

Lily sat down crosslegged in the middle of the circle, pressing her hands together in front of her face and closing her eyes.

"Ask any questions and receive all answers available to you." She spoke slowly.

The group looked at each other. "We're going up against Agon, daimon of contest. What powers will he have to use against us?"

Lily's fingertips began to emit a blue glow. "Agon himself is a fairly weak deity, with only the power of weak illusions."

Percy looked at the others, about to say it sounded easy, but the goddess continued.

"His brother, however, is more dangerous. The two are identical, and many mistake Agon for Zelus and the other way around."

Percy frowned. "Would it be possible that Zelus is our bad guy rather than Agon?"

She shifted, hands now next to each other and palms up. The blue glow covered her fingers completely now.

"It is likely. Zelus is the daimon of envy, among other things, and has had a vendetta against Olympus for millennia."

"How would we be able to tell them apart?" Natasha asked.

"They are bound by a curse, only to tell the truth about who they are. They are unable to claim to be the other while in their physical forms."

Percy nodded. "Then we are going up against Agon. He told me so in a dream."

Lily shook her head. Her hands were now shoulder-width apart, and the glow extended over her palms and was starting down her arms. The glow stretched between her hands as well, creating a translucent blue bridge between her pinkie fingers.

"In dreams they are not bound by the same rules. Until you meet them in person you will not know who they are."

Percy gritted his teeth. This wasn't going to end well.

"Right. So how do we defeat him?"

"Zelus has a cause on his side, and most likely Agon's support. Stopping him is as simple as killing him."

"He's immortal, we can't do that." Frank frowned.

The blue glow on Lily's hands suddenly sharpened into a bright light, forcing the others to look away. When it died down suddenly, Percy's eyes widened.

"What is that?"

Lily opened her eyes. "Sometimes the premonitions, they create things..." She shifted so she was holding the sword's handle, holding it up and inspecting it like any swordsman might. "This will help you. Use it against Zelus and you will come out victorious."

"This isn't a Hydra thing, is it?" Steve spoke up. The others looked at him and he elaborated. "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place?"

Lily shook her head. "No. Stop Zelus, you stop the war."

"How do I do that?" Percy took the sword from her and inspected.

"You have to go to his hiding place. I can tell you how to get there, as part of a premonition, but I can only tell you." She shook her head. "Otherwise it won't let me speak the words. The premonitions are... interesting, that way. I can't control them."

Percy nodded and offered her his hand. "Do you need the circle for this?"

She shook hear head. "I'll be fine."

"Right. Everyone else stay here, I'll be back in a minute."

"Hold on." Tony hopped to his feet. "Can I talk to you first?"

He pulled Percy off to the side. "I know you're not gonna let any of us come with you, but I want you to remember this, kiddo. You're important to us. We love you, a lot, you know that. So stay safe, be careful."

Percy smiled and hugged him. "Don't worry, Uncle Tony, I'll be fine. I know what I'm doing."

He smiled. "I know you are. Don't be stupid."

Percy laughed lightly. "That's usually what works out for me though."

Tony tousled his hair. "You know what I mean."

He chuckled and nodded, then turned to Lily. "Come on, we can find a place that's quiet."

She followed him up into the one of the hallways and they found an empty room.

"Alright. Last thing." Percy turned to Lily. "Where is Zelus?"

"He resides in a place only demigods and immortals can reach." Lily said slowly. "Deep beneath the streets of New York."

"Can I take anyone with me?"

"The bulky boy. Frank."

Percy nodded. "Got it. Now, is there an address?"

Lily nodded slowly.

[A/N If you're interested in my original book I'm working on, I'm considering posting a sort of 'sample chapter' in my one shot book. It will just be titled 'Prologue', let me know if you think I should post it]  

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