Who Are You- The Who

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Percy POV

Dad wasn't answering, which I guess made sense. He did say that Zeus had locked down Olympus for some unknown reason.

"There's no way that was normal.... J, pull up the index we have for Greek myths."

I was pacing in the living room. The rest of the team and my mom were leaving me alone, which I was thankful for. I wasn't sure where Frank was, but he could take care of himself pretty well so I wasn't worried.

"Yes, sir."

"Stop calling me 'sir', J."

"Of course, Percy."

The AI pulled up the list on Tony's viewing screen and I scrolled through it. "Eidolons... Kronos himself... minor myths and gods... there are too many options here."

I would be there for hours if I tried to get through all of this. "J, sort out all the myths that have anything to do with gold eyes."

"One moment." The cool British voice responded. Entries scrolled quickly across the screen, flying into two folders that JARVIS had created.

Mom came in with a blueberry soda for me. She had found a store that sold them a few years back, and I loved it.

"Thanks, Mom." I took it with a smile, but sighed as I looked back at the viewing screen.

"Trying to figure out what you saw?" She asked softly.


"You'll work it out, honey. I believe in you." Mom kissed my forehead and left.

"The files are sorted, Percy."

"Alright, pull up the gold eyes folder."

JARVIS did so.

"Re-order it by importance of the myth." Alphabetical order served no purpose for me now. If I knew how important a deity or creature was, I would possibly be able to rule them out.

Again the screen blurred as words flew across it. I watched them without really paying attention, taking a sip of soda.


"Cross-check all the deities for fall-outs with the Olympians. I know all the monsters hate them, so only do it with the deities."

My phone went off on the coffee table. I glanced at it, then picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, we watched the press conference. You okay? You seemed kind of shaken up at the question about your father."

I smiled, even though I knew no one could see me. "I'm fine, Piper. It wasn't the question that threw me off."

"It wasn't?" She sounded surprised.


"Then what was?"

I paused for a second. She didn't know my other secret, none of them did. So that little bit of information I would keep to myself.

"The man who asked looked like someone I used to know. It startled me, that's all."

"Oh," Piper said after a moment. "Okay."

"Yeah...." I glanced at the screen. JARVIS had flagged several articles about different myths, I knew I'd have to go through all of them to try and figure out what I had seen. "Well, I've got homework to do. I don't know if I'm going back to school, but I've been keeping up with the workload anyway."

Piper laughed. "Of course you have. Good luck with that. I should also do my homework, talk to you later!"

"Bye Piper."

The line clicked and I set my phone back on the coffee table.

"Percy?" Natasha peeked her head into the room.

"Hey Nat."

"How's it coming?" She walked up to the screen, eyes scanning the entries quickly.

"Not quickly, I'll tell you that." I sighed. "All I have to go off of is gold eyes."

"Can you rule out any?"

"Maybe, if I have time to think about it... Good thing I can't really leave the tower without getting dogged by reporters, I have a lot of time on my hands."

"Well we asked Thor if he felt any big deities nearby. He said no. So it's not something huge." Nat told me.

I nodded. "J, take off Kronos and any titans or primordials. They're too strong."

Several entries disappeared, but there were still over 70 entries.

"Thanks, Nat." I smiled at her. "This is.... slightly more manageable."

"If you need help, just tell us." Nat ruffled my hair and left me alone to my reading.

"J, can you transfer this stuff to the screen in my room?"

"Of course." A loading screen appeared for a few moments. "The files have been transferred."

"Thanks J." I grabbed my soda and my phone. "Please tell Mom I'll be in my room until dinner."

"Yes, Percy." I faintly heard the automated voice echoing down the hallway as JARVIS told to my mother what I had asked him to.

I took the stairs rather than the elevator, needing to burn off a little bit of energy. Once in my room, I grabbed the laptop sized screen from the wall and gently parted it from its wires so I could sit on my bed and read.

"Zelus, eidolons, Agon, Phthonos..." I sighed. This was going to take a while.

[A/N I'm really bad at updating, I'm sorry XD There's a lot going on right now and I'm doing my best. Hopefully I'll be able to get on here when I have time, I'm doing a lot of stuff this year]

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