My Hands-Leona Lewis

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Third Person POV

They could hear him sobbing.

"Poor kid." Bruce murmured.

"Does Sally know yet?" Tony asked.

"No, I haven't told her. Frank, could you...?" Bruce asked.

The boy swiped his tears and nodded, going down the hall to find the probably distraught woman and destroy her world even more.

"Mrs. Jackson?" He asked quietly when he found her.

"Frank! How is he?"

Frank opened his mouth to respond and found himself tearing up even more.

"Oh no." Sally's eyes filled with tears. "He's not...?"

"No!" Frank exclaimed. "He's just...It'd be easier to show you."

Sally followed him down the hall, looking worriedly at the Avengers, who were still crowded outside the infirmary doors.

When she heard Percy crying, she shoved through and opened the door.

The sight that greeted her made her cover her mouth in shock.

Percy lay on his back, rocking slightly as he sobbed and held his bandaged stump of an arm.

"Oh, my baby." Sally whispered.

Percy sat up slowly, wincing. Tears continued to stream down his cheeks.

"Mom." He whispered.

"Percy." She moved forward and grabbed his hand, pulling it away from his shoulder. "You're okay."

"Mom, it's gone."

"Shhh, the rest of you's still here. That's the important part." Sally sat carefully on the bed and pulled Percy gently into a hug. "You're here and I love you, so so much."

The rest of the team filed in and sat in silence as mother and son cried.

Tony finally took a deep breath and walked forward, taking Sally and Percy in his arms. "Perce, do you know how bad you scared us?"

"It's my fault, not his." Frank insisted.

Percy shook his head. "I should have paid attention."

"Well I shouldn't have split up from you." Frank countered.

"Enough!" Bruce ordered as Percy opened his mouth to argue further. "Neither of you could have seen this coming, it's no one's fault. Now, Percy's been through a lot today, we need to let him rest. If he wants to talk to any of you he will, but until then just leave him be."

Percy immediately latched his hand onto his mother's wrist to keep her there, but collapsed on the bed as he didn't have anything propping him up anymore.

"Alright, Sally stays, everyone else out." Bruce ordered.

Tony left first, muttering about building something. Bruce followed him with a sigh, determined to make sure the genius didn't make something completely mad.

Clint and Nat left after that, talking quietly about the mission Fury had just asked them on.

Thor stood in the doorway, watching Frank as the boy debated whether he wanted to follow Bruce's orders.

"Come now, young Frank, let us go to the front room." The Asgardian spoke quieter than normal, attempting to keep from shattering the atmosphere. His booming voice thought otherwise, and Percy flinched.

"Yeah... right...." Frank turned and ambled out of the room, still visibly shaken.

Thor gave Sally a sympathetic smile and left as well, resulting in only two people in the room.

"We were so worried, baby." Sally spoke softly. "Everyone looked for you and they're all sorry they couldn't get to you earlier."

Percy sniffled and refused to meet her eyes.

"Percy, what's wrong?"

"I have to quit."

"The Avengers? No you don't!" Sally exclaimed.

"I can't do anything! I work a lot with my left hand, Mom. It's just an instinct."

Sally planted a soft kiss on her son's forehead. "You will not quit. Tasha and Bruce can work with you, help you get better. And I'm sure Tony can make something to help."

Percy nodded, his expression showing he didn't quite believe her.

"Get some sleep darling." Sally smiled sadly and stood. Percy didn't protest this time.

He stared blankly at the ceiling as Sally turned down the lights in the room and carefully closed the door.

One thing raced through his mind over and over as he gently rubbed his stump.

'War is coming.'

[A/N sorry for the short chapter, I blanked]

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