Throne of Thorns - Testament

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[A/N This one is going into permanent third person POV. Also kinda a volume warning for the song??? It's not horrible but it is a thrash metal song so]

Hazel took the whole thing fairly well. She seemed to recognize that freaking out about it wouldn't work as the three made their way towards the Empire State Building.

"Keys." Percy demanded sharply as he walked up to the front desk. For once the man wasn't reading a book, and he didn't question the son of Poseidon. 

"What are those for?" Hazel asked. She was clinging to Frank's arm. Percy could see her legs were still shaking a little from their haphazard race between buildings.

"You'll see." He marched to the elevator. Frank and Hazel followed.

"So the rest of the team is up here already?" Frank asked as Percy turned the key in its lock and pressed the button for the 600th floor.

"Should be. I left at the same time as them to get you... Hazel, you okay?"

She shrugged, hugging herself tightly. "For the most part. Panicking just a little bit."

Percy frowned. "Sorry. This is probably a bit much...."

""Yeah. Just a bit."

The elevator doors opened. Percy pulled his wings in so he could walk through the door and marched purposely into the godly city of Olympus.

He could hear the others following behind him. "We're going to the throne room. That's where I'd assume the others are. Hazel, we'll get you home as soon as possible."

"Thanks." She said quietly.

"Percy!" He heard a familiar voice and sped up.

Sally ran out the open doors of the Olympian throne room and down the stairs, catching her son in a hug. "Thank the gods you're okay."

"Course I'm okay, Mom, I gotta get back to you." He smiled and hugged her back. "I've got Frank and my friend Hazel."

She turned to the other two and opened her arms. "Well thank goodness you two are okay too. Come here."

Frank smiled as Sally hugged him, then Hazel.

"The others are talking to Poseidon right now, we're thinking that we'll be staying in his temple up here since he stays in his palace." She motioned for the three of them to follow her as she walked back into the throne room.

Natasha was bandaging Clint's arm, sitting in the middle of the throne room with the others. Poseidon was sitting crosslegged with them, a sight that made Percy chuckle a little bit. He was talking seriously with Tony, who was waving his arms around emphatically as he described or... explained... something.

"Hey Jackson." Clint tossed Percy a small bag with his good arm. Natasha flicked his ear sharply and he yelped in pain.

"Sit still."

"What is this?" Percy asked curiously, sitting down next to Clint with the bag.

"Little something Tony and I were working on for you. I wasn't gonna let the prototype burn, it could be really helpful for us."

"That's what you went back for?" Natasha rolled her eyes. "It's a prototype, it would take Tony maybe three hours to build another one."

"I don't care. Are you done?" Clint poked the top of the burn gingerly and winced.

"Stop that." Natasha smacked his hand away.

Percy unwrapped the contraption. It looked like it would fit on his metal hand. "What is it?"

"It's a miniature projectile launcher." Clint grinned. "Strap it onto your metal hand, on your palm."

Percy curiously lined up the little pads to his fingertips and the center of his palm. 

"You need all three of the pads on your lower fingers to touch the one on your palm for it to fire. Don't point it at anyone, I think Tony left it loaded."

He curiously turned to face away from the group, pointing at the wall. Clint leaned over and adjusted the way he was holding his hand.

"Tony he's gonna try it!"

The billionaire whipped around.

Percy took aim and tapped his middle, ring, and and pinkie fingers lightly against his palm. A tiny projectile shot out of his pointer finger and left a fingerprint sized mark on the far wall.

"It worked!" Tony cheered. "When I get time I'll connect it to your arm permanently so that you can put an entire cartridge in and shoot."

"Did you just give me the power to fight with finger guns?" Percy laughed.

"Yes." Tony said seriously. Frank laughed.

"Alright, lets get moved over to Poseidon's temple, then maybe we can do some strategizing." Sally suggested. "And I can get Miss Hazel home."

"Oh, thanks Mrs. Jackson!" Hazel sat up a little, smiling. "That's really nice."

Percy nodded and stood up, the others gathering what little they'd gotten from the building.

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