Day 79: 4 February 2018

579 8 8

3rd Person POV
5 am

Y/N was enjoying a cup of coffee. Reading yesterday's paper while half asleep was a difficult task, but coffee would help eventually.

"You are up early, amigo." Y/N turned to see Jackal in his sleepwear. Jackal had messy hair, puffy eyes and was noticeably sweaty. "You too, Ryad." Y/N greeted and gestured. "Have a seat."

Passing a water cup, Y/N sat down with Jackal, slowly sipping his water.

Y/N: Had another nightmare?

Jackal: The same one for the past few decades. Showing my brother's bloodied face of death.

Y/N: We are still here with you, I'm sure your brother would protect you against any hostilities.

Jackal: It just been getting worse after getting this mission.

Y/N: I've read the report, the crime family has connections to the gang that killed your brother. Relax, we are all on this together. Don't let vengeance cloud your judgment. If you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you, I am a Big Brother.

Jackal: Thank you, partner. Looks like we will be getting new members to the organization, which is good. GIS, the Italians have a good history.

Y/N: Hopefully they don't switch teams all of a sudden. * chuckles at poor joke* As senior members of the team, we will be evaluating them on the field. Get some rest, you will need it.

Jackal: Alright, what about you. You should probably rest from the mission yesterday, blowing up a nuclear plant is stressful.

Y/N: Caffeine in my system, I will be fine for now.

Jackal: Alright, goodnight. Before I forget, why are you working so hard, going through mission after mission of stress?

Y/N: It's a small project. Don't worry, I know my limits, I'm fine.
9 am

The GROM, GEO and Y/N have been assigned a mission in Italy. Leaving the helicopter after reaching an Italian airbase, the team boarded an SUV, heading for the GIS base. Y/N was chosen to drive after his splendid performance.

Ela: I heard the new operators are going to be defenders.

Zofia: Suka, more things to look out for.

Mira: Whatever it is, let us see if they deserve the position in our huge family.

Y/N: The more the merrier. Jackal? Jackal?

Jackal: ...Yeah?

Y/N: You have been spacing out, you alright?

Jackal: Just tired, I should have taken some Red Bull.

Y/N: I see, you can get some rest later, our mission is a night op after all. And we are here.

The group of five entered the office, before receiving instructions to enter the training room. Being greeted by a lady covered by a bandana, Ela reaching out her hand.

Ela: Operator Ela of Team Rainbow, nice to meet you.

Lady: ...

Zofia: *hovers over pistol*No response, try to talk to her.

Ela approaches the lady, wanting to touch her shoulder to signal they are friendly. Her hand expected to rest on the shoulder passed through the figure, revealing blue beams of light.

Ela: Co do diabła?!

Zofia was then zapped with pain on her back, turning around to see a mini dome, like an astronaut. She attempted to kick it, only for her toe to be in pain from the hard surface.

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